Page 477
July 17th, 2015

Page 477

Mystery solved.


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  1. Fire Hazard

    “Also, she was your mother.”

  2. Sandman366

    “Wham line” – something that hits hard and makes you say something along the lines of “woah wait WHAT?!” (Example – see last panel.)

  3. McFunky Dood

    Oooooooooooooooooooooh …

  4. BaufenBeast

    @Fire Hazard “And your father. Hax.”

  5. Yoshierider

    I really like the black and white look here. It seems appropriate for exposition.

  6. Pan

    Wow, no dancing around that one

  7. Robin of Loxley

    He killed her with Hacking or the real way ?

  8. Ether101

    I wonder if this is going to be one of those “Its my fault that they died.” type of deals.

  9. Brandenfascher

    @Ether101 – I’d say it’s either that, or that he intentionally killed her and later regrets it. His eyes/brows certainly softened up as he said “I killed her”. Assuming that Crystal has no hidden relational connection to Artemis, he has no reason to feel sorry for Crystal to hear this; his only reason to soften up like that is if he regrets it himself.

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