Page 475
July 3rd, 2015

Page 475



  1. grayfoxpianist

    inb4 the next villain kidnaps her, shoots her in the spine, and cripples her, confining her to a desk job for the rest of her life.

  2. Pan

    Pin Cushion Boy! Somebody make this a thing.

  3. shadowinthelight

    “inb4 the next villain kidnaps her, shoots her in the spine, and cripples her, confining her to a desk job for the rest of her life”
    And who will be the rest of the Birds of Prey?

  4. newllend(henryvolt)

    Not to mention the comfy recliner chair, the laptop, and the flat screen TV with surround sound…hell it made your chair look like shit!

  5. Zeb

    Jeez gramps she was doing better than anyone at MI really. Not missing any limbs or chunks of flesh or anything like that

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