Page 376
April 30th, 2012

Page 376

They are all banned from the computer lab and their WarCraft accounts are disabled.


  1. Phil

    Oh, they stopped the hacking. It looks like they’ve doomed everybody.

  2. James

    I don’t think that we’ve seen the last of them !!!!

  3. Peglegpenguin

    Perhaps without Gavin’s influence, Craig can become a wise and just ruler of the hackers. Or, you know, someone competent like Grin might just grab the reins. Grin is still alive, right? Kind of forget since it’s been so long since we’ve last seen her.

  4. Jamie

    Unless Grin fatally tripped over after she spoke to Max, she’s still out there. 😉

  5. Ignis

    @ Peglegpenguin – No Offense, but I think Graig crossed the Moral Event Horizon when he bombed a god damn city in a tantrum over Jack being a cooler person then he was. I’d much rather see him in solitary confinement, being serenaded by the sorrows of all the people he’s killed. Or better yet, given the “Clockwork Orange” treatment.

    That sounds like the perfect punishment, actually.

  6. The Aussie Bloke

    Put Craig in a metal box with no electronics.

    Then drop that box into the ocean.

    It’s the only way to be sure.

  7. sir sexybottom

    I love how all this started because jack stopped being home schooled

  8. ThisGuy

    +1 week suspension

  9. B'Hain

    Eh Craig is barely a competent hacker just punch him in the head every so often and that will keep him humiliated. Grin would be the best choice. Oh and Jack, you still look like crap get some sleep.

  10. Devil Chicken

    I believe Gavin did mention something about how he was doing the world a favor by banding together and controlling the hackers of the world. He implied that they would run amok without him… this should be interesting. Though if Jack could take Gavin, that means he could pretty much handle any hacker… right?

  11. Hebrin

    To me, Gavin wasn’t trying to kill Jack. He was toying with him, testing his limits until Jack couldn’t go any longer, because Gavin knew Jack couldn’t kill him no matter how hard he tried. That’s why Gavin never tried to evade, just stood there observing. If he really wanted to kill him he might’ve been able to. Another hacker, or more so a group of hackers, with their own life on the line might not hold back and be more of a threat. Either way, Jack is still a badass and every hacker should fear the wrath of Jack!

  12. shadowinthelight

    Did someone say yay?

  13. McBob

    Isn’t it interesting how neither of those two adults are looking to call an ambulance; there is a minor there who has been bleeding out of every hole in his head!

  14. Seedling

    @McBob They already called backup with Max’s retrieval com a few pages ago.

  15. Ryex


    I do believe a brohoof is in order. /)

    in other news Gavin isn’t permanently gone, like any competent computer users he should have multiple backups in several locations.

  16. Devil Chicken

    Well that was his space station copy, at least. Unless he had a plan for this sort of scenario, and if he had more copies hidden on earth, someone may have to boot him up.

  17. 52pickup

    Just read through the archive, and wanted to say that this is an awesome comic.

  18. dudess

    Oh NOes!

  19. Crestlinger

    What to do with Craig? He Shall Not Sleep.

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