Page 375
April 23rd, 2012

Page 375

That’s our Max! *studio laughter/applause*


  1. marca311

    Stay tuned for the next episode of “everybody loves Max” when he punches all the meteors!

  2. Ignis

    Someone get that man a Hi-Potion!

  3. Sharkie

    Ohhhh Max, you sooooooooooo crazy!!
    I think I’m going crazy from blood loss.
    Ohhhh Max, you sooooooooooo crazy!!
    Who are you people?
    Ohhhh Max, yo-
    Shut up, I will punch you in the face so hard!!!!

  4. Ventnor

    Punching common sense in the face since 2008!

  5. MrTT

    And then max died, the end.

  6. James

    Max Facepuncher Eat Pray Punch !!

  7. shadowinthelight

    Yeah, Max punches blood loss in the face.

  8. ThisGuy

    Damn those human limitations.
    if only you didn’t need blood to live

  9. dreddy71

    hes feeling well enough to sit up, he needs to lose more blood anyways.

  10. kit

    if death comes for max there WILL be face punching.

  11. Salty

    Welp. Nice knowing you, Max. At least we knew you when you had a functioning femoral artery.

  12. Don B.

    I love the expressions that the guys in this comic induce on the girls faces with their antics. Crystals expression in panel four is priceless.

  13. DukeGod

    Note that he didn’t actually start bleeding

  14. Draconia Crystalis

    At least he didn’t pull out the one in his lung, that would have made him get a lot worse a lot faster than one of the ones in his side. A blood-engorged lung, collapsed on top of that, does not help one’s prospects in breathing.

  15. justme

    if you’ve run out of bandages, could always use one of max’s eyebrows!

  16. Meaty

    That’s our Max! *Max dies of blood loss* Well, that *was* our Max at any rate…

  17. Juerujin

    Still … has a spike … in his chest ….. The level of survivability max has is on par with like …. i dunno … batman? or better?

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