Page 374
April 16th, 2012

Page 374

Monday’s comic almost didn’t happen today because of computer problems. Let’s all take a moment of silence and remember the new hard drive I bought 3 months ago that is now friggin’ dead because AAUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!


  1. Seros Senric

    Wondering if they should get jack away from that tower, since it was also hacked into existence. Well, I suppose the help Crystal called should get there soon enough.

    …Although, I do wonder what people are thinking about all those fireballs suspended in the air…

    Hmm… Out of curiosity, what type and brand of hard drive?

  2. ADemonicPresence

    i think most of the problem at the space station was that the Air inside was hacked and jack’s body wanted to reject it

    i feel your pain, i’ve had my own problems with hard drives. months of headaches and hundreds of dollars later i finally got all my data back… always have backups in triplicate.

  3. JasperWolf

    … Max has a freakin’ 7 inch spike through his heart.

  4. Jamie

    @Seros Senrifc Western Digital

  5. James

    Today’s Meh Birthday YAAAY !!!!!!!! % D

  6. Airedar

    @JasperWolf Well, really his heart’s more in the center of his chest. It is through his lung, though.

    Good thing hackers don’t have medical degrees.

  7. Zero_Starlight

    Love how everyone is so calm, just like “Yeah, just another day at the office.”

    Also, happy birthday James.

  8. Joey

    Jamie, hard drives are weird like that. Depending on the model depends on how long it lasts sometimes.

  9. Biscuit

    Just a crazy suggestion here, have you ever considered adding a last or first button?

  10. Jamie

    Yes, all the time. I tried to do it when I started the comic but the best I could do was have a home button to go back to the latest comic and for some reason the first button is only on the home page. Comicpress. I dunno. If you know how to do it, don’t be shy and let me know! 🙂

  11. kit

    you know I’m surprised the m.I havent tried to kidnap jack and reverse engineer his powers.

  12. ZeroBlue4

    My thoughts on the following possible arcs barring some unrevealed abilities belonging to Jack:
    (a: Gavin has a second back up.
    (b: The hackers break into factions.
    (c: The outcast hackers decide they don’t want to be murderous and decide that they want to make a literal new world for themselves. Some aspect of their creation is alive and is incredibly dangerous and self aware.
    (d: some explanation of how hacking works (it could be that like one theory of reality I’d like to be true, that reality is in fact digital.)
    (e: Some messed up and epic combination of the above… Now THAT! I would like to see, considering how messed up and epic the rest of the comic is.


  13. Mercury

    Yeesh, hard drives that die after a few months, right when you’re starting to trust them, are the absolute worst.

  14. Erik

    @kit, we still don’t know exactly how Jack got his hack resistance, only that he wasn’t born with it. Maybe they already know how to do it, only there’s a different reason they don’t. Or they already have that information, but can’t figure out how to do it/can only do it to specific people/genomes.

    Or they just have morals. That probably isn’t it, though.

  15. kit

    I dont know if this is true but I always thought that they tried it out on jack and his brother and for some reason jack survived while his brother ended up doing an impression of chunky salsa.

  16. Riku

    @kit, thanks for the mental imagery.

  17. Crestlinger

    A fitting name for that tower.

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