Page 370
March 19th, 2012

Page 370

The legitest of plans


  1. FanXplosion


  2. ThisGuy

    Panel 3 happy face makes me happy

  3. Ignis

    Huh. There’s the teleporter. And there’s Craig, still out cold. Sweet. Hopefully it still works, or they can force Craig to work it.

  4. James

    CRAIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; D

  5. alurker

    “Sorry to interrupt… whatever this is…”
    Yes, happy Angel is happy.

  6. marca311

    It’s almost as if the art style was changed to anime for that specific expression…

  7. Scidude

    Angel’s happy face is the best ever!

  8. Airedar

    Despite the lack of Friday comics (remember when it was thrice a week? Or was that a hallucination?) there’s a noticeable improvement in the style that makes up for it. Everyone is so much more detailed and expressive now… though that might be because there are no more backgrounds…


  9. Jamie

    Sorry dude, at best the comic was twice a week. I *wish* I was fast enough to pull off three times a week! :p

  10. CyberSkull

    I can’t remember, was that stain there from their entrance? Or is it a failed teleport since Gavin’s servers were trashed?

  11. Ventnor

    Angel likes to help!

  12. Shawwah?! Man

    That’s Craig. The “stain”.

  13. Fiery Diamond

    Comic. Is. Made. Of. Win. I discovered it last night and just finished reading through the entire thing. Before the main story kicked in, this was the absolute funniest comic I’ve ever read. But the story is also awesome. Too much Facepuncher, not enough Cannon is my only complaint. I mean, Facepuncher is awesome, but Jack is awesomer. And Angel is the best.

    A pity it’s only once a week now, but that’s loads better than dropping it entirely, which happens all too often with webcomics.

  14. B'Hain

    Um the guy holding it together was deleted from the system now the system should fall apart.

  15. hollow fish

    does this meen all that hack resisting jack is doing will be undone once he goes through the teleporter, or just make it worse…. o_o

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