Page 369
March 12th, 2012

Page 369

Max, running something into something else is no “creative.”


  1. pan_dim_onium

    I facepunched the station with my ship

  2. Ventnor

    Maybe it’s not creative as far as normal people go, but it WAS an idea Max had that didn’t involve punching something in the face.

    Give him A LITTLE credit.

  3. Ignis

    To be fair, does Max even know HOW to dock a ship? It seems to require finesse, gentle hands, and patience – skill sets Max clearly lacks.

    That being said…how do they plan on getting the hell out of dodge before bad things happen?

  4. Gessador

    Geesh, Crystal. What the hell was Max supposed to do? Fool the hackers into granting him access by pretending to be a supply ship or something? Hell, does the hacker base even HAVE a docking bay? Quite doubtful, seeing how they can teleport to Earth and back. And what’s wrong with calling a retrieval? That’s usually how such things go.

  5. Frostbite4.0

    now would be an appropriate time to reveal the teleporter

  6. Ignis

    I think you have it wrong, Gessador. I think she’s more angry with the fact that there isn’t a way to get Max the aid he needs. That he is dying, stranded on this hunk of metal and officially disowned by the only people that could get him help. Even if they were on their side, by the time they get there, Max would be beyond aid.

    As of now, she knows that all she can do now is slowly watch him die a slow and painful death, powerless to stop the coming of the Reaper’s embrace. And that seem to be more than she can bear.

  7. Anon

    Annnnnnnnnd the hacker cube dissolves or explodes with all our heroes ‘cept Cindy in it.

    Thanks for reading. 😀

    Well of COURSE Grin still has a part to play. Or yes that mysterious teleporter.

  8. Lt. Fusion

    Christmas Shark will save the day.

  9. gangler

    Just bind his wounds with your scarf, Crystal. I’m sure it’s not as bad as it looks.

  10. grayfoxpianist

    @Lt. Fusion, I knew Christmas Shark had a purpose! Interstellar traveling.

  11. James

    Always knew that he was Artistic !!!!! ; D

  12. Rokka' Sucka

    What’s the ‘*sff*’ for?

  13. Ghastly Girl

    @Rokka’ Sucka
    She’s crying because she’s scared that Max isn’t going to make it

  14. Biscuit


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