Page 366-367
February 17th, 2012

Page 366-367


There is a super important status update in the news box guys.

Yes, it is so important I busted out italics and bold!

Please read below.


  1. James

    Well… I NEVER saw that coming !!!! And Good Luck @ Uni Hee Hee ^^ ; D

  2. Kramegame

    Jack’s train of thought in the first four panels: “wait, what? why is he blue?” “hmm, he’s not moving either… I better punch him to be safe.” *gavin turns to pixels* “I barely even swung!” “Wait, i didn’t mean to break him!”

  3. Emilio

    “Its probably nothing.”

  4. grayfoxpianist

    At this point, Jack’s just competing with Chocolate-From-Every-Orifice-Man to see who can be the more disturbing hero.

  5. Remzal

    anyone else think that the only thing missing right now is this?

  6. Flaming squirrel

    “Press any key to continue.”
    Jack: “Okay, um…”

    On another note, Facepuncher must be so proud. Jack just turned a guy to dust with a single fancepunch!

  7. Oh you know...

    i think Gavin saw this coming… he did throw Max through the TV after all, I’d figure someone as smart as he would at least now the whereabouts of where he kept ‘himself’.

  8. Skydron

    Cue crazy hacker stalker guy in 3… 2… 1…

  9. Scidude

    “Your face is bleeding!”
    “It’s probably nothing.”
    HAHAHA!!! Great stuff there!

    Have fun at the University!

  10. SovietCommissar

    Angel’s face is absolutely amazing when she finally realizes Jack’s condition.

  11. evictedSaint

    “Do…Do I punch it…?”

  12. jmkool

    This is why Gavin shouldn’t have used Windows.

  13. Meaty

    Jack seems disappointed there well be nothing more to punch

  14. BAppleman

    To those who keep saying that Gavin shouldn’t have used Windows, I’m pretty sure ANY operating system would crash if you smashed the system unit it’s running on.

  15. Ghastly Girl

    “It’s probably nothing”
    Typical Jack(:
    On a side note he looks really cute in the last panel

  16. Trieo

    He was smashed into BITS :3

  17. Bllop

    Was anybody else a bit creeped out by Gavin’s pixel powder face (when his head gets punched into pixels) in panel 3?

  18. Mycroft

    a few internal bleedings are nothing for jack.

  19. allianna rene

    Love Angel’s expression! “AH!”And Jack… I’m pretty sure bleeding from the face is not nothing.

  20. McBob

    Bursting of capillary beds in the head due to mental stress and strain tend to cause blood from the nose, ears, and even the tear ducts. Whatever it was in Jack that makes him immune to hacking was having a seriously major workout in that fight. Jack needs to have a good lay-down for a couple of weeks to recover, but knowing him, he won’t.

    Just curious; I’ve been trying to place just what Jack’s and Angel’s ages are (no criticism intended), since the artwork has varied/evolved and Jack has seemed to be anything from 13 to 19. Could you tell us just how old Jack is? Or is that supposed to be purposely vague for story writing reasons?

  21. Jamie

    Young Master Cannon is 16

  22. isaac

    Just a flesh wound

  23. Danny

    So, just found this webcomic today, had to read it all in one sitting. This comic is fantastic and awesome, and you are fantastic and awesome. Thanks for making it! =D

  24. Ludo

    @Danny It’s awesome reading through it in one sitting 🙂 I did that a while ago when I first stumbled upon it (actually referred here by Ryex). Might do it again sometime…

  25. Sharkie

    Face bleeding is just something that has to happen sometime in a real mans life, think nothing of it.

  26. OmegaForte

    Wow, 16-bit addresses. 0000:0000.

  27. Nirron

    Hey man, firstly, congrats and good luck with the university stuff. As for comics, we can deal.

    Secondly: I never took Gavin to be a microsoft user… But I guess good hackers explore all systems.
    I’m not sure when the “Blue Screen of death” Originated, but given the age of the computers, it’s probbly from back when windows was still a fairly decent platform for programming folk.

  28. Ryex

    @Nirron: as was pointed out by Jamie it should actually be a kernel panic as Gavin would be running on a *unix system. however as the BSOD is far more Iconic it is more appropriated imagery to reach the audience.
    I would like to think Gavin Segfaulted and then failed to recover because dev/sda raid array was damaged and that was where Gavin’s rather massive page file was stored

  29. Thebes

    It’s just a little eye blood. He probably just sneezed too hard.

  30. H_T

    Good luck, bro. Hope everything goes well.

  31. Phenoca

    *smashes next computer*
    *space station disappears*
    OH SHI-

  32. OmegaForte

    …I came up with the ‘nix idea four pages back…And even outlined the type of error it should have been…

  33. OmegaForte

    *Sits in a corner, looking down*

  34. Remzal

    is jack cannon british? I just always thought he was….

  35. Jamie

    Jack’s Australian.

  36. Riku

    It’s raining Gavin.

    As for University, have fun, Jamie!

  37. James

    @Jamie … And here I always thought that he was 14 !!

  38. ONEintheinfinite

    How long till the station disintegrates into nothing?

  39. cy414

    the station is probably fine until that hacker girl stops maintaining it.

  40. CyberSkull

    Bookmarked and in my aggregator!

  41. Zero_Starlight

    I’d say that he should just kiss her, but something tells me the taste of blood would turn her off…

    Unless of course Angel sparkles… XD

    – Zero

  42. Unlisted

    He still goes for the face, what a champ

  43. Crestlinger

    ‘Caps unlock’

  44. newllend(voidSN)

    This is one of the best comics I’ve seen yet.

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