Page 362
February 3rd, 2012

Page 362

What a bold and unexpected plan!


  1. CaptainBetrayer

    Yeah! Less awareness over the miracle of life after death and more destruction of that miracle! WHOO!

  2. Benedict

    Gotta steamroll all the transhumanism!

  3. Gessador

    Max Facepunch: “That’s my girl!” *sniffle*

  4. isaac

    In the end, it comes down to smashing….YAY!

  5. neon5162

    anyone else see that ghost sword about to stab her in the back of the head

  6. Frostbite4.0

    @neon5162: It does look like a sword, actually…
    I’m pretty sure its just Angel turning Crystal though.

    Also, wow, nice hole in your head Gavin

  7. Ghastly Girl

    That sounds like something Max would say. He seems to be getting to you, Angel (;

  8. neon5162

    @frostbite4.0 ahh yes now that you mention it

    and here i was thinking it was gonna be somesorta protection program that would try to stop em from smashing the comps

  9. sirbacon


  10. someguy

    Great idea! I mean what with Jack’s reaction to the place it isn’t hard to guess that the entire facility is hacked into existence and whatnot. They can take out the entire base in one… fell… um… wait… aren’t they on that base?

  11. James

    JAR OF …….. DIRT !!!!!!!!!! ; D

  12. KS Claw

    It’s a perfectly good plan! As long as those iffy morals don’t get in the way…

  13. gangler

    Angel you’re fully capable of doing this yourself. Don’t ask Crystal to do your murders for you just because you wanna walk out of this with clean hands.

  14. Ignis


  15. ManofAwesome

    Sledgehammers. Busting things apart since the first Deadrising.

  16. ManofAwesome

    WOAHWOAHWOAH! Just noticed the knife thing behind Crystal in the last panel!

  17. Rokka' Sucka

    Well now, that’s a plan that I’d approve!

  18. Peach

    That plan is all fine and good until it turns out that the whole station was hacked up around the computer and doesn’t actually exist, dumping them all into airless space when they smash things.

    I do hope Gavin has a backup computer somewhere.

  19. Ignis

    @ Peach – Not really. Hacking isn’t a continuous process. Otherwise, things would revert back to normal once the source was destroyed. Like when Jack broke Greg’s keyboard, all the environmental damage caused by the hack didn’t pop back to normal. It’s safe to say that, for the time being, the station will last long enough to get off.

    Now, if Gavin installed a failsafe or a dead man’s switch…then yeah, our heroes and all the downed hackers in the place are screwed. Unless Grin or another hacker hacks up some suits or teleports.

  20. Zero_Starlight

    I think Tom said it best.


    “Perhaps the answer is Violence…”

    – Zero

  21. Scidude

    W00tzzz smashing things!!!!1!11!
    I bet Crystal is going to suggest just turning them off, though. She seems to impressed to destroy anything.

  22. Meaty

    I’m sure Gavin has SOME sort of protection against his hardware smashies.

  23. DontPanic

    Damn it. Where’s a magnet when you need one?

  24. Peach

    @Ignis – If that’s the case I do hope we get an epic escape montage complete with an action theme as the station crumbles around them. ^_^

    I just hope Gavin can handle his computer….*sunglasses* being crashed.


  25. gangler

    @Ignis: The environmental damage wasn’t hacked into existence. It was created by hacked objects. Jack for example could cancel a fireball being sent at him, but he couldn’t cancel burns received by the fireball. Touching Max wouldn’t undo all the damage that was done.

    The fact is there does seem to be some manner of continual hacking effect in place here. That’s why Jack is wearing down just by being here. He’s expending energy trying combatting the very existence of this place. It’s quite likely that destroying the computers would effect this base the way it effected Greg’s rock’em sockem robot after Jack knocked him out.

  26. gangler

    …um. Guess he didn’t knock Greg out actually, but you get the idea.

  27. Jamie

    I think it’s hilarious people are calling Craig ‘Greg’ XD
    Craig was controlling the rockem sockem rockmen with his gloves as if they were puppets. When Jack Crushed the gloves it was like he cut the strings and they fell apart, however the rocks themselves didn’t dissipate.

  28. Xel Unknown

    But if you go smashie, you might destory the very space base your on! And then die… In the most awesome of deaths possable…

    You know what, on second thought yeah lets go smashing stuff!

  29. Ventnor

    Looks like Angel’s got her priorities straight.

  30. Krell

    I thought it looked like a ghost sword at first too, but it’s just supposed to be Crystal turning her head

  31. phildog

    …or better yet, just unplug them or turn off the power. Probably a lot easier that way.

  32. arch angel

    Like I’ve been saying. Crash. The. Computers!

  33. Ignis

    @ Jamie – Personally, Craig sounds awesome, a name given to the kinda guy who’s a freaking mountain. Our Craig is not that awesome, hence, he has been demoted to Greg.

    And yeah, I have a problem reading names sometimes – ask the guy who got on my case for calling Gavin “Galvin.” I blame my Asperger’s _-_

    @gangler – The damage caused by hacks, yeah, that doesn’t revert. But actual changes to the environment won’t. Like how the rockem sockem rockmen fell apart but the actual stones remained, the hacked tree that was binding the girls didn’t revert to a normal tree. It’s safe to say that the station will be relatively intact, at least for awhile.

    The continuous hacking that is going on is the air itself. Gavin has probably hacked breathable air into existence for all his hacker minions who live onboard. And it seems a lot easier to just summon air than to make a system that makes air, and it doubles as a crowd control method in case of a coup – just stop hacking air, and they all suffocate while he makes emotionless-yet-witty comments. That’s why Jack’s in a bad spot, since the air he needs is continuously being negated by his anit-hack, causing damage to him on two fronts – the anti-hack rebound, and the fact that his personal airspace FUBAR.

  34. Nirron

    Yeah… I figure if going smashing was going to get rid of gavin, he would not had allowed them in that room…
    Though then again, he is a bit distracted.

    Either way, said smashing is bound to have some deadly (yet awesome) consequences.

  35. gangler

    I suppose I was assuming that the station was hacked into existence rather than hacked together out of pre-existing materials.

    If it’s the air that’s a continual hack then I imagine that would prove just as problematic as if the station itself disappeared. Not a medical authority on the matter but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have much more than three minutes to make it back into the breathable parts of earth’s atmosphere after the air disappears.

  36. Meaty

    @Ignis my name is greg, and i am now insulted.

    We must demote him even further.

  37. Jeremy

    I don’t think that’s a ghost knife behind the scarf-girl’s head. I’m pretty sure that’s just an action line to show she’s been turned around quickly…

  38. Mycroft

    the answer to all mechanical problems.

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