Page 332
October 3rd, 2011

Page 332

Talking about him like he’s not there.

There’s a new Nerd Train for you too.


  1. Gessador

    And the inevitable “If you want something done right, do it yourself” in 3, 2, 1…

  2. LtFusion

    Oh crap, real emotion from Gavin?! Oh Max…I am so sorry for what you’re probably about to endure…

  3. Ghost

    I can just see Jack running into the middle of what promises to be a gory, graphic and wonderful blood bath and have Gavin jump to yet another wrong conclusion about someone!

  4. Frostbite4.0

    I wonder what Gavin’s real face would be doing right about now…

  5. kuugun

    Gavin does not look happy. Seems like he just can’t stand that somebody didn’t do what he asked.

  6. grimandgrimmer

    Despite the fact he’s angry, his ‘face’ keeps smiling.

  7. Tsapki


    Well Gavin seems to have gone through alot of trouble to form up the Hackers and to have Grin, who as best I can tell is one of his most talented and skilled Hacker’s, possibly the equivalent of his lieutenant just…give up for lack of a better word, yeah that would make most people pretty peeved.

  8. James

    MAX just punch him already !!

  9. ASP

    @ James, I KNOW RIGHT!! Reality warpers are far easier to beat up when their not looking.

  10. Scidude

    Ha Gavin is falling prey to the hackers’ “Let’s stand around and discuss the situation”. Max needs to do what de does best and punch the everloving hack out of Gavin’s face

  11. Uru

    Okay, see, now I feel bad for Grin. And the really unfortunate part is that she might as well have killed Max, since he’s not surviving the next sixty seconds.

  12. Ordinaire

    @Uru, that remains to be seen, you wouldn’t want to be caught counting your chickens before they hatch, would you?

  13. Turambar

    You know, the fact that Gavin is angry might actually save Max’s life.

  14. jmkool

    oh wow, Gavin lost his cool. Seeing that he is almost my favorite villain of all time (the favorite being Ba’al from Stargate SG-1(the epitome of ‘do it yourself’: his entire army was clones of himself!)) Seeing that, this may turn out VERY interesting. Kudos to the good guys… and Grin, too.

  15. yoshierider

    I thought the characters always seemed so emotive because of how well drawn their faces were, but Gavin doesn’t even have a real face (probably?) and he looks absolutely pissed.

  16. LostInPhilly89

    I can’t wait for Friday! There’s a storm a brewin’!

  17. arch angel

    Gavin, angry? Quick, face-punch him before he notices!

  18. vash_ts

    oh, god no… he wants to MONOLOGATE!!!

  19. Meaty

    Woah there Gavin! You’d better calm down, you’re losing your image! He’s like a kid throwing a tantrum, only with him its murder. “Waah! Kill Facepuncher! Waah!” Does this give Max the chance he needs to not die horribly? No, he’s screwed anyway. I mean he’d BETTER be! What type of deus ex machina could save…him…from…
    Oh right, Jacks in the building as well. Hm.
    I’m actually rooting for the phycopath to kill Max now, because it will make him look more threatening. Aw well! Gavin gets more characterization!

  20. Tsapki

    -Gavin continues to rant-

    -Crystal stands up and walks to Max-

    C: Um, maybe we should just go. he seems distracted.

    M: What? But the punching…

    C: Can wait. Did you come here to save me or punch Hackers?

    M: I didn’t know the two were mutually exclusive.


    G: …and now I need to do every LITTLE THING by MYSELF.

    -looks around-

    G: -sigh- Classic villain monologue….

  21. Flaming squirrel

    is it just me, or does the shape of Gavin’s head in the fourth panel suggest that he may only be a skeleton? He seems a bit too thin in that picture.

  22. H_T

    Oh man, I wonder what’s going to happen next.

  23. phildog

    Temper temper Gavin. Facepuncher, you’re so getting laid after this.

    Also, on an side note, I love how the character development and the his subtly pose can portray such raw emotion.

    Anway, I’ve got to feel for facepuncher. He’s gonna have his ass handed to him, good thing Jack is there to help pull him out of the fire. Still a good chance he’ll die though.

  24. Salty

    Wait, one of your subordinates didn’t blindly follow your orders after you ignored all the oh-so-subtle clues to her feelings about the subject?

    Surprise of surprises.

  25. Jollie McFun

    Okay, I know this post is five years too late, but no-one has brought up the possibility that Gavin didn’t just hang-up/cut Grin off, but he DELETED her from existence, essentially murdering her. That’s what I thought happened when I first read this years ago.

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