Page 327
September 16th, 2011

Page 327

Oh, hey you two.


  1. Morbort

    Could it be Jack/Max versus Frankie/Grin?! πŸ˜€

    … oooor a reenactment of that scene from A New Hope. You know which one I’m talking about.

  2. Merks

    pfft it’s the best time

  3. Spastic typer

    Jack is a lucky bugger isn’t he? An hour earlier and he would have to fight every single one of these creeps instead of the hackers. And his body is currently tearing itself apart between not recognizing the hack space station, and needing to recognize it to survive. Verrry tricky!

  4. Metaldude

    At first glance, IT’S A PLANKING PARTY!!! Then notice the asswhuppin’ you missed. And the dude sticking out of the wall.

  5. Eiuratus

    huh… i just noticed how sick jack looks… i mean, aside from his brain bleeding and whatnot, he just has this general air of “aughghubhlughsfhgggggghhhhhhhk” about him

  6. Scidude

    Hi there Jamie. I found your comic a few days ago and I am hooked πŸ˜€ And that’s no small feat, my friend. It takes a lot for a webcomic to get into my reading list. You are now one of three comics. Awesome work, you awesome person.
    Also, a few things:
    1. Eyebrows!
    2. I have noticed a serious lack of pudding in the comics…
    3. This is epicness topped with awesome -sauce
    4. Faces
    5. Jack’s my favorite πŸ™‚
    6. I’m all caught up now… that means no more 50-80 doses of Jack each day πŸ™ WITHDRAW!!!

    Keep up the sweet work!

  7. Jamie

    Thanks, I’ll try! πŸ˜€

  8. DukeGod

    Oh look. Redhead Angel and…”WHAM” Shirt guy!!
    He’s the antagonist right? And Gavin and Max are the protagonists, albeit a different sides…

  9. This Guy

    Nah, Frankie and Grin have both second-guessed their hackerness. They are probably ready to leave now. Now, if it was just ONE of them, maybe a fight, but it looks like Grin grabbed Frankie, so it’s time to leave.

  10. Johnny Whoa

    Guys, look! One of them’s moving! Do you know what that means?

    Someone ELSE must be there too! Max wouldn’t leave them capable of movement.

  11. Meaty

    Why does Jack have such epic bags?

  12. vash_ts

    this has Facepuncher written all over…

  13. LostInPhilly89

    Wait, a strip about the main character?! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but go back to Max!

  14. Lazy J

    lol a bad time hell no you came at the right time the partys just gettin started baby!

  15. Drakkon

    Jamie, you nut case this is awsome and I wish I found this ages ago…..Keep it up and make sure you bugs us on the GH site some times…

  16. Sucka' Rokka'

    Hey, when did Jack’s undershirt change from a white long sleve to the blue-ish one he’s wearing now?

  17. ONEintheinfinite

    WooHoo! This was submitted on my birthday! Listen I’m doing a marathon on your web comic and I absolutely love it, expect fanart sooner or later.

  18. Crestlinger

    Escape pods in a tower? Check the disk drive.

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