Page 323
September 1st, 2011

Page 323


Heads up I also started a Tumblr. I will be posting all the vote incentives up on it eventually too. It is over here


  1. zed


  2. LostInPhilly89

    Cool, early update!

    I guess they just don’t hack giant robots like they used to… especially when they go up against Max.

  3. dreddy71

    well when up against max, they dont have the time to hackem like they used to.

  4. CHT

    Robot hack failed. Someone should start ‘teaching’ the hackers a lesson.

  5. grayfoxpianist

    Ah, the old 1-2 punch, eh? Wait… it took 2 whole punches? Jeez, tough robot

  6. LostInPhilly89


    Nicely played sir, nicely played.

  7. CHT


    Actually the first punch is to immobilize the robot. The second was to destroy it.

  8. DracoDrago

    Don’t let the second-to-last panel fool you; Max is actually About to lay the finishing blow with two kicks, but of course, the robot exploded from the sheer suspense.

  9. Xaviertrix

    Rest In Pieces, Robot.
    We won’t miss you well.

  10. Ryan B.

    Oh, Max. Should have gone for the face!

  11. kunfyoozd

    One down, nine to go?

  12. Mightysmiley

    I think max is officially the embodiment of “GET SOME”

  13. CHT


    Facepuncher still has grin and gavin to fight after finishing off all of the other hackers. This war to save crystal is not over yet.

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