Page 308
July 11th, 2011

Page 308

Theres also a new podcast up! With a new domain name! Change your bookmarks to to hear nick and me talk about random crap!

Tune in on friday to see what max has been up to.


  1. James

    First !!!!!!!! ; P

  2. James

    PODCAST…I can here your voice !!!!!!! OOOOOOHHHH !!!!!! ; P

  3. James

    aHHH…THIS IS dANDY !!!!!!!! ; P

  4. Riku

    :O Ohs the noes! Well, Jack, you were kind of warned this would happen. Also… Jamie! 😀 almost time for the midnight channel on my end.

  5. James

    @Riku…Well said…JACK…Stop picking your nose !!!!!! ; P

  6. Jamie

    @Riku dont fall in!

  7. James I LOVE it !!!!! ; P

  8. Imakuni

    Haha, I see what you did with the moon.

  9. Ether101 Prime

    They really should be more worried as their inside a giant PC which tend to crash a lot.

  10. grayfoxpianist

    OH YEAH!
    Also, your URL link has “Pahe 308” instead of “Page,” thought I’d point that out.
    I like to frame my THE PRIZEs and admire them after a long day.

  11. Jamie

    Bwah! It’s not easy being this cool. :p

  12. grimandgrimmer

    Oh crap!

  13. Isaac

    …i wonder if they have wi fi

  14. marca311

    Hahahahaha! The computer has a hole in the bottom where Max punched his way in.

  15. Jorlem

    Obviously, this space station was hacked into existence, but the important question is how. Was it created whole cloth by hacking, or were raw materials teleported from Earth or an asteroid, and refined via hacking? And perhaps more importantly, is the AIR ‘real’, or a creation of hacking ?

  16. Grey

    I like how you included the little explosion detail from where Max crashed into the ship.

  17. Caylex

    Umm… OK, here’s what we gotta do… just remember that Craig wasn’t a REAL hacker, he was more like a rogue agent, yeah. And, um, it was basically self-defense, because Jack couldn’t just let Craig attack and destroy the city he was living in, because THAT would violate the agreement. Right? Right.

    Also, he’s here alone. Who’s Angel? I don’t know.

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