Page 277
March 25th, 2011

Page 277

Jack is all >8O

Also hey it’s my birthday today! I’m 25 years old! Ahhhh! I hope I can finish this comic before I die of OLD AGE.

You know, a pretty sweet birthday present would be spreading the word about Jack Cannon. Maybe recommend it to some friends, or post it on some forums, or whatever it is people do when they share things? You can also support the comic with a donation, too. Since I am what you might call “completely broke” at the moment, any donations would not go astray, I’m just saying.



  1. Hideninsight

    Holy crap, it updated while I was just checking out the site.

  2. gangler

    Yeah, if Mr. Cannon had shown himself to be capable of defending himself against these guys the truce never would have been made in the first place.

  3. Cory

    Happy birthday! I turned 22 today.

  4. RaeMina

    haaaaaaaaappy Birthday, Jamie! 😀 and if Dad is hack-proof, it explains quite a bit

  5. H_T

    Happy Birthday! I will try to spread the word around a forum or two.

  6. Zero

    I don’t know about you guys, but I think this comic has really derailed. It’s not really story now, It’s just; insane suicide mission idea by parent, Jack saying they can’t do this, the parent’s making a pun, and then Jack making a really, really weird face.

    I still love checking up on the comic, but really. It’s just a little annoying.

  7. Jamie

    That’s not a story derailment: It’s a summery of the last 2 pages. Patience.

  8. Chirigami

    Happy birthdaaaaay! 😀
    I’d really like to donate, but I don’t have a credit card or any way to pay at all… Sorry D:
    I will at least post some links to the comic wherever I can, though. 😀

  9. Frostbite4.0

    Happy Birthday
    and, yeah, I spread the word to a bunch of people at my school

  10. arch angel

    Happy Birthday!
    He’s not hack proof, the hacks just slide off of him.

  11. Redde

    It looks like it could be hereditary.


  12. Johnny Whoa

    “Oh yeah, turns out you got that from me. LOL.”

    Happy birthday, Jamie!

  13. hintsofhints

    Could his father have faked being affected by Grin’s sleep hack ?

  14. Tsapki

    -chuckle- I doubt Jack’s dad is actually Hack-proof. Rather I think he is just trying to get Jack to understand….how do you say… Fortune favors the bold? Recall we haven’t really gotten the parents opinions on the truce, since first they were knocked out, then Jack fainted and story picked up at MI HQ (hurray for letters!), and the next time we saw his parents they focused on if he was alright and glaring at the General. Thus far we’ve only gotten two opinions on the truce.

    General: Good call kid, it’s for the best.

    Facepuncher: What the %#@! is wrong with you? Why you acting the some &!@?*@ whiny #@&*! instead of kicking Hacker butt?!

  15. BluerzGooerz

    I love his expression in the last panel =D

  16. Ether101 Prime

    This has been bugging me for awhile, is there any particular reason why the dad’s head looks like it’s based on an insect?

  17. Jamie

    I see what you did there. :p

    I can only assume you mean the random strands of hair? They are just random strands of hair, I never noticed any insectoid resemblance.

  18. gangler

    But now that I’ve seen it, I can’t unsee it 0_o

  19. Sage

    Damn it, Ether! Why did you have to say anything?

  20. Raptor2213

    Technically, yes, his dad IS hack-proof.

    The agreement was that the hackers wouldn’t harm Jack or his parents if Jack didn’t fight the hackers. No one said his parents couldn’t fight the hackers…

  21. DukeGod

    @Ether101 Prime, gangler and Sage, don’t underestimate insects XD Possibly unintentional but the myrmidon were originally ants!The mighthiest of Greece!Maybe dad is on the same relative level!!

  22. James

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; D I have put a link to this site on my Facebook and Twitter pages now all of my friends will know of this great comic !!!!! ; D

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