Page 274
March 14th, 2011

Page 274

Those kids and their shouting.


  1. merks

    nice expressions as always!

  2. Ventnor

    Whole lotta tension right here.

    I like it.

  3. Frostbite4.0

    wait, jack may not be able to do anything, but gavin didn’t say his parents couldn’t interfere…
    Kick some ass!

  4. isaac

    technically craig is doing this on his own so he can go kick ass

  5. Johnny Whoa

    Jack your mother is a ninja and your father may be a ninja marine. Or something.

    They’ll be okay.

  6. gangler

    @Johnny Whoa. Yeah, because they totally did just fine last time a group of hackers attacked them…

  7. RobbyTheRouge

    Actually Craig broke the deal when he attacked Jacks friends.
    So he’s going to get chewed out by the Hacker leader later.

  8. BluerzGooerz

    Craig broke the deal, yes, but Gavin’s not going to put up with that. He’d be like “Yes, our deal has been broken, this just means I can kill your parents. *Button pushing* Oh look, they’re dead. Goodbye, Jack” and walk away, cuz he’s Gavin.

  9. The One

    Jack’s dad stuck his hand into the last frame. Shit’s gonna happen!

  10. grayfoxpianist

    I think that’s Jack’s mom’s hand, but meh.

  11. rocklight

    his mother’s hand, his father’s hand… the tension is killing me! I must know whose hand that is!

    What? Oh come on, I find it more worrying that we’ve got an anonymous hand there with no clear identity. We all know that Jack’s going to have to go punchy soon, with his parents as backup. A big family outing!

  12. yoshierider

    That’s definitely his mom’s hand. His dad is wearing a light-blue shirt while his mom has a dark-blue shirt.

  13. joe jackson

    Hold on, what in gods name is stopping Jack from just telling Gavin about this? THIS IS BREAKING THE RULES! Just call out Gavin and have him fix this!

    This is just silly.

  14. James

    He’s so brave and he really loves his parents..a true hero !!!! ; )

  15. gangler

    @Joe Jackson: Does he have a method of contacting gavin? That would be a sensible solution if he does, as the man is quite reasonable and would be perfectly willing to take care of the situation.

  16. rachel

    Jack is looking really tired. Poor guy.

  17. phildog

    I’m sorry, how exactly is kidnapping his pseudo-girlfriend not a violation of the terms of their agreement on their side?

  18. Tsapki

    To BluerzGooerz

    Sorry to say this, but then why did Gavin make the deal in the first place? He could have killed Jack and his parents before but chose to make a deal because he had something more important at stake. Further, this throws another bone into the machinery since Gavin is trying to make a deal with the General. If Gavin can’t keep his promise to Jack, why would the General trust him?

  19. Tsapki

    To others

    Unfortunately, this is technically legal move for the Hackers due to the wording of the deal. Jack and ‘family’ are now exempt from Hacker interference. If we started including friends, then the list could go on and on, Jack single handed crushing the Hacker movement by simply befriending everyone on Earth. im aware it’s silly to say but it needs to be understood.

    Further, I think Gavin may not yet know Craig pulled this stunt. The man is powerful but not all knowing. At the same time, Jack likely doesn’t know Gavin would not approve of Craig’s actions. We need to remember the characters do not have the same information as the readers.

  20. gangler

    @Tsapki: Right. I need to reread that scene. Everyone was talking like Angel was included in the deal, so I assumed it was the case.

    I like this moment a lot more now. Basically it’s a “Stand and Deliver” type moment, where he’s forced to choose between a life hidden in safety while others suffer, or becoming a hero, fighting the good fight, and not stopping until all his loved ones are safe again.

  21. Redde

    oh, dear, it’s emotional ‘splode. Poor Jack has a lot to worry about.

  22. booper

    But then he could be like Batman! Except… they would have to be killed in an alley, and his name would be Jackman.

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