Page 270
February 28th, 2011

Page 270

I wonder what he’s going to do? So many mysteries.


  1. Frostbite4.0

    I have a feeling that Jack is going to use his hack-proofness to save the day

  2. RaeMina

    Silly Jack. Cindy is not a duck 🙂

  3. Merks

    that’s how I fix all my computer problems

  4. gangler

    Dude, I have no idea where he’s going with this.

  5. Ordinaire

    This is the first time Jack’s seen Cindy in like 2 chapters and it’s already back to the punching XD

  6. Ventnor

    Clearly, Jack is following the Max Facepuncher problem-solving method:

    “There is no problem which cannot be overcome by rigorous applications of a fist to the problem’s face/face analogue.”

  7. Mek

    Two seconds later:

    “WTF JACK!!”

    “o__o;;…You were supposed to duck!”

  8. Ryexander

    there are two possible endings:
    1) Jacks fist breaks the bubble
    2) Jack hurts his hand and appears the fool.

  9. ThirtyThreeAs

    When all you have is your fists, everything begins to look like a face.

  10. Blandalf

    Ooh, nice colours on this page.

    Also, yay, punches!

  11. That guy

    So, I’m suspecting that Jack is going to call the cops or something. Who else thinks the same?

  12. Arch Angel

    Duck? GOOSE!

  13. jmkool

    Looks like Max is rubbing off on him. Clearly Max has taken over the comic.

  14. marca311

    He’s not going to punch anything, he’s leaning on something invisible that’s just shorter than his height which he thinks is a duck.
    Silly Jack, I bet you didn’t think to punch anything, because you’ve never done that.
    (This post may or may not include extreme sarcasm, I’m not sure)

    marca out

  15. ADemonicPresence

    wait- i don’t see how jack ducking would solve anything…

  16. Disconnected

    @jmkool Considering punching was his solution to being buried alive long before Max was in the comic my guess would be that (1 Max has retroactively taken over the comic or (2 Jamie has an obsession with punching.

  17. Envoy

    Maybe he’ll play rock paper sisscors with it?

  18. Mage

    Clearly he is preparing to have a civil discussion with the purple glowy thing about the pros and cons of Sand Castles

  19. Vegetable

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