Page 254
January 3rd, 2011

Page 254

Damn. Happy new year.


  1. Jorlem

    I’m getting Ocarina of Time flashbacks here.

  2. Ventnor


  3. LtFusion

    He’s going to do something incredibly stupid, isn’t he; which he’ll soon regret…

  4. FanXplosion

    Man, poor Cindy… She’s always gets hit around by people. First Max and now Craig… Not cool, poor girl 🙁

  5. Zeo

    i think he should be beaten for that…….

  6. Hybrid

    She seems to get hit a lot.

  7. gangler

    Well. THis was bound to happen wasn`t it? No real way around that…

  8. Da Mighty Camel


  9. kit

    you know sooner or later that hitting is going to mess with her…possibly drive her to the hackers so she will be strong and never be hit/hurt again?

  10. JarMan

    I could see this character as simply being misunderstood and outcast from the standard. I could even see him joining forces with the good guys later on.

    Also; “these peas are cold bitch!”

  11. SomeUnregPunk

    i could see craig killing or seriously harming someone without realizing the consequences.

  12. This Guy

    No! i don’t like girls dying!

  13. BluerzGooerz

    oooohhhh craig ur gonna send her to meet sum of ur hacker friends arnt u

  14. Retsof

    Didn’t his father teach him not to hit a lady? I would really enjoy punching him.

  15. takrenrahl

    retsof i am right there with you budddy sept i have a few cold black blades just waitting to have a taste of that mans blood

  16. James

    Haa !!!! Craigs face in panel 1 heeee ; )

  17. .Glitch

    Real men don’t hit women. I think my boot, craig, and the curb need to have a little conversation.

  18. arch angel

    I believe that if I say what I really think about Craig hitting her, I would be risk being banned.

  19. :p

    DAYUM!!!! thats was a back-hand pimp slap!!!
    also hi face in the last panel looks like those people in those really serious dramatic comix XD IT LOOKS SO FUNNY ON HIM

  20. JarMan

    Don’t give me this, “real men don’t hit women” shit. Equal rights, equal abuse. She’s lucky it wasn’t me cause I would have killed a bitch.

  21. Jamie

    That is not a situation you can justify with equal rights.

  22. MisterTeatime

    Can we go with “real men don’t start fights when they have other options, regardless of the other party’s gender”, or “real men don’t attempt kidnappings”?
    Or maybe just “Craig is being a jerk”? Can we all agree on that? I think maybe we can…

  23. TVT

    Craig is basically always being a jerk forever. Equal rights for everybody but Craig.

  24. Redde


  25. Rez

    @Redde: I don’t think you can run from hax.

    Hoo boy, how’ll this turn out? Something simply execution like? Or, because it IS a castle, like “TO THE DUNGEON WITH UUUUUU”? Only time will tell

    Rezidual Shok

  26. gangler

    Real men don’t resort to violence without an appropriate level of provocation. Real men don’t have to strike people to prove their dominance, or out of simple rage. Real men’s romantic gestures don’t boil down to “Look how big my dick is”. There’s all kind of reasons this moment is wrong. The list is quite extensive. The fact that he just struck a woman is inconsequential. She’s subject to the same standards as men, and under those standards Craig’s actions are completely inappropriate.

    As far as why Cindy keeps getting struck, it’s because she keeps confronting violent assholes. It’s a simple case of cause and effect.

  27. ThisIsAScreenname

    Happy New Year, Craig. JERK.

  28. Swot

    Remember when Jack hit him? Craig buried him underground, I think a slap is already ‘courteous’ in comparison.

    Also, I agree with Ganler’s statement:
    “As far as why Cindy keeps getting struck, it’s because she keeps confronting violent assholes. It’s a simple case of cause and effect.”

  29. Bastet

    I was wondering what he’s turning her into (not Mrs. Frankie, please, not Mrs. Frankie…) and Rez’s comment gave me an idea – every castle with a princess (played by Angel) inside needs a dragon, right?

  30. Envoy

    I’d hack without the abuse, thank you very much.

  31. LOL

    lol look at craigs face in panel 1: PERVERT

  32. Michael

    Looks like, she’s going on “Craigs’s List”. YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  33. livlife2themax

    id wud never want a bf like that…. i want a bf that treats me and my friends with respect major turn off btw craig to hit the girl that u liks best friend….

  34. livlife2themax

    ooo and when are the updates?? cuz i rlly hate missing them

  35. Tsapki

    The updates are on Monday and Friday to my undestanding.

    -shrug- Craig seems to be trying to justify the slap as repayment for years of derision, “You were never nice to me”, so that is my guess on why he did that. Thinking myself that he might just leave her there and take Angel on this poorly thought out romantic gesture. The guy really does seem to be trying but as always just can’t get his head around a few important facts. Remember that bit Gavin said about the Hackers being like kids with nuclear bombs? Well, when you have that much power it screws with your ability to learn there are limits to what you can make people do. Such as love you…..-shudder- though I’d hate to see what an ill conceived “love” hack might do to a person.

  36. Merks

    @michael hahaha

  37. MD

    With a face like THAT, Craig? Who can blame her?

  38. Arcanan Shadow

    Someone needs to download AVG.

  39. dizit

    Equal rights, phrase
    (ee-qw-all rai-ts)

    often used in contempory society

    1. allowing women to have double standards

  40. RaeMina

    Yay, birthday update for me-

    Oh. Oh my. Didn’t really expect that.

  41. Ky

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