Page 247
December 6th, 2010

Page 247

Heeeey, look who it is!


  1. Alec


  2. FanXplosion

    Angel and Cindy! YAY!

  3. CI

    Is it just me, or does Angel look older now?

  4. LtFusion

    @CI Prolly just looks a tad different because of his art style getting better over time, and it has been a bit since we’ve seen the girls…March 1st to be exact πŸ˜›

  5. Tiger

    wow that is a long time ><

  6. Ventnor

    Angel’s a good friend. πŸ™‚

  7. Frostbite4.0

    wait, is it just me, or did angel’s hair get longer?
    and lol to cindy’s comment

  8. B!S

    Cindy’s just covering for the fact that she’s worried too.

  9. Ordinaire

    the instant I loaded the page and saw that red hair I was like “YESS!!! KRYSTAL’S BACK!!!” and then I realized it’s been so long that I forgot her name >.> but yay ^^

  10. BIzz

    Her earring disappeared in the last panel. D:

  11. takrenrahl

    remember the artist said that the eyes would be changing and thats what he did personaly i dont thnk it looks good on the ladies. makes them look like they are in their 40’s but this comic is still awesome nevertheless

  12. mmm122

    It’s been awhile.

  13. BluerzGooerz

    ooh, are they gonna go and become anti-hackers? like, they “pretend” to go back to Craig and become hackers then fight with Jack? That would be awsum!!

  14. This Guy

    i forgot that there were normal people in this comic.

  15. SovietCommissar

    Yay! The girls are back.

  16. Arch Angel

    A bit repetitive, but I’m glad we finaly get to see Cindy & Angel again.

  17. Flora

    Oh man yesss. The first update with these girls that I’ve seen newww (at least I think? o3o; )

    anyway, great to see them againz, someone else already mentioned that Angel’s earring disappeared in the last panel there, and I think that’s it for my comment.

  18. Da Mighty Camel


    … wait wasn’t that the point?

  19. jmkool

    Yay, it’s Angel and…. um…. Cindy! Yeah!

    …Is it a bad sign that I had to read the comments before I remembered her name?

  20. Swot

    @This Guy: huh, me too.

  21. Zeo

    funny that its been like 8 months in real life time but only a day in comic time……..

  22. DragonChild

    I love the way that they kind of treat things in Jack’s life as no big deal.. “his mum probably just threw a knife at him or something”..

  23. Beanjamish

    Aw! This is not Max getting them! This is not Max getting them at all!

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