page 231
October 11th, 2010

page 231

No way to treat a lady.


  1. BluerzGooerz

    umm ow?

  2. Kellins

    Of course that’s not how you treat a lady!

    You’re suppose to hit her over the head with a club first, then drag her by the hair!

  3. Frostbite4.0

    still not used to having Crystal without her scarf

  4. Merks

    A good date to visit hacker land 11 10 10

  5. FanXplosion

    Hrm… I hate kidnapper and hostage situations… They keep me on edge. I hope Gavin is a Gentleman.

  6. one_rebel

    It would seem more likely that Gavin would be more gentleman-like. I wonder if Grin’s still “uuuugh”…

  7. Riftblade

    “And that is how you do things, people. None of this standing around while you let people hit you nonsense”.

    Regardless of whether he’s a gentleman or not, he scores a 10 on the “cool, calm and collected villain-‘o-meter”.

    Which leads me to 2 possible branches:
    1) If he should face Jack one day, he will pulverize Jack to a pulp, with pure martial arty/hacky “final boss” fighting prowess, which will result in a showdown of multi page spanning epicness.

    2) Jack will hit Gavin with one blow, and break his glass jaw.

    Either way, I see some epic pages ahead of us. Kidnapping Crystal is a big no-no.

  8. Demon Toaster

    I read alot of comics daily and this is by far the most interesting of them. Not only because the content is awesome but because it is reliable. You are on the 231st comic and still minimum breaks in the schedule. Its this kind of consistency that seperates the people who take it seriously (penny arcade, dominic deegan) from the other thousands of comics so thank you.
    …also your art and writing are off the goddamn crazy

  9. James

    There’s a Light…burning at the Frankenstein Place !!!!! ; )

  10. Tier Twenty

    Gavin is not being a very good classical villain.

  11. Johnny Whoa

    She just looks weird without the scarf…

  12. Rusty-Knight

    No way to treat a lady, but a pretty effective way to get her to stand up.

  13. othorlimmis

    “none of this standing around while people hit you nonsense”
    Gavin is a tactical genius, truly.

  14. jmkool

    No, there won’t be a big confrontation this soon. Of course there will be an attempt to get her back, but Gavin has some scheme in mind here… He’ll let her go when the time comes in his grand plan.

  15. Arch Angel

    And Gavin once again shows that he, unlike most of his underlings, actualy has a brain, and uses it. Though I’m not sure that was what he had in mind when he said HELP her up, not stand her up forcefuly.

  16. Jetzoin56

    No way to treat a lady? It’s the -fancy- way to treat a lady.

    Get it? Fancy adventures.. fancy way… yeaah

  17. ThisIsAScreenName

    You know, that hacker looks rather happy about getting to do that.

  18. gangler

    What the fuck is up with this villain?! I bet he wouldn’t leave the hero unattended in the death machine either. It’s almost as if he has some goal in mind beyond making the good guys look good…

  19. Nirron

    Not that Gavin needs any more praise then the multitude already given, But he is actually a villain with a goal.what that is is currently unknown, But he has shown to be intelligent, And diplomatic. Obviously, He wants to get rid of the MI, Or at least try to declaw thier hacker department. He knew that jack was a normal (Sorta) teen, Who happened to have a strange power that could be annoying to them, But there is no reason to kill him. As long as he does not get involved. He has a goal, And would probbly like to take the most peaceful route to reach it, So he does not suffer needless damage, Death, Or demoralisation.

  20. FanXplosion

    @gangler: I can’t even imagine Gavin making an escapable death-trap. He’d be the dude to have the bomb go off when the timer reaches 5 instead of 0.

  21. Cinematic

    So I just started the comic today, I meant to last week, but I got distracted as I usually do. However, I remembered to write the name down and I love the comic. Got through it all in an hour but now I’m waiting for updates! Interestingly enough I came across this because of the second newest episode of House (MD), where there is a book series called The Adventures of Jack Cannon, not quite as fancy, but it did lead me here!

  22. Crestlinger

    A hair-raising experience. At least she doesn’t have teleport barf on top of it.

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