Page 188
April 30th, 2010

Page 188

Oooh he’s thinkin’! Suspeeeeennse!

No new vote incentive today guys, I’ll have one up on Monday though. If you wanna be a rebel and still vote, don’t let me stop you!

Have any of you read Sacred Heart? It’s pretty awesome, and you can start reading it here!


  1. LtFusion


  2. Jamie


  3. LtFusion

    Yay!….I want a Pony Puff Princess doll.

  4. Jamie

    You win correct spelling! 😀

  5. LtFusion


  6. FanXplosion

    I smell a timely intervention coming around the bend! 😀

  7. gangler

    This is getting sweeet! Also, “I’m not a murderer, but I am a killer” has to be one of my new favorite lines.

  8. Alectric

    I don’t understand the difference.

  9. Lord Rahl

    It means he ‘probably’ won’t kill them for no reason beyond grins and giggles. (Not that I can see Gavin either grinning or giggling.)
    If Jack gives him a reason to hurt the people he cares about (i.e. joining forces against the Hackers) then Gavin or his cronies would probably a) kill them, or b) turn them into monsters like Frankie.
    He doesn’t hack down random people on the street, I guess would be the clearest way to describe the difference.

  10. Beanjamish

    It’s possible Gavin’s not even human and so “murder” doesn’t apply when he kills. A few pages back he mentioned not having an imagination – but having a program that simulates one. I’m starting to think Gavin himself is a computer of some sort.

  11. Gnauga


  12. Kirk

    And they lived happily ever after. The end!

  13. Tsapki


    Well, technically he didnt say he lacked imagination, Grin hinted he had no idea how imagination worked. You’re idea that Gavin may be some sort of computer is a valid theroy though, but Jamie is being elusive enough to keep from giving too many large hints.

  14. Beanjamish

    Good point! He may just be that detached or very tech-minded or something, but still human.

  15. Chirigami

    Umm… *Feels stupid* Umm… Non-native-english-speaker here… T_T
    I don’t know the difference between murder and kill… I guess, “murder” has a “just because” intention? Or, maybe, the murderer is the one who takes pleasure on killing? And killer is just, well, “person who kills”.
    BTW, you read TV Tropes, right? ‘Cause you manage to avoid almost every trope, I love that. xD

  16. MasterVega

    Killing = Taking a life.
    Murdering = Taking a human life without a valid reason.

    Of course… what reasons are considered valid are all up to you. I would consider killing your enemy’s loved ones to get at him murder, personally. Apparently Gavin feels differently.

  17. Demon Toaster

    The difference between killer and murderer is a vague one. The best example would likely be that a man who murders his best friend in a moment of anger is a murderer while a soldier who is defending his country is a killer. I suppose Gavin may think of himself as a soldier of some kind.

  18. BluerzGooerz

    *Who Wants To Be A Millionair music plays* Jack, what is your answer?

  19. Arch Angel

    Things like self-defence and acidents are also not murder, most anything else is.

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