Page 187
April 26th, 2010

Page 187



New vote incentive is another old Max piece I did a while ago. It was to celebrate Halloween, and facepunching.

 Click here to get you hands dirty!


  1. LtFusion

    Oh Gavin and his leverage.

  2. Dezy

    Ooooh you douchebag.

  3. Blinking Ink

    Okay I know this really really off current topic and it has almost nothing to do with the current page but it’s been bothering me ever since Gavin first came in to the picture and with all the close ups and talk of stiff purple suits I’ve just got to ask. Gavin doesn’t seem to be wearing a shirt, but does he have underwear and or socks on?

  4. Lord Rahl

    The day’s not over yet, in case he says no. . .

  5. reynard61

    Gavin, Gavin, Gavin…

    You had Jack at “You win.”

    Why on Earth did you have to threaten his parents?!

    Now he’ll probably refuse your offer on sheer *principle!*

    And I wouldn’t blame him a bit.

  6. Kellins

    I think the answer is going to be predictable. Quick! someone make a poll! Is Jack going to accept, refuse, or “think” about his answer, and why. Winner gets praised….or a cookie.
    If I’m thinking with Jack, this is an easy call, but… I would raise the stakes a bit higher just to see what Gavin’s reaction would be. Either way, Jack’s answer is given a “Hell yeah!” By me.

  7. Isaac

    quite an offer he has given…add candy and take it

  8. psydei

    Can’t he just hack-summon a huge piano over Jack’s head?

  9. Noni

    C’mon psydei Jack is way too awesome to be caught by that, or anything else you can think of. Sheesh. 😛

    I’m also curious, Blinking Ink!!

  10. grayfoxpianist

    Since no one’s said it yet…

  11. grayfoxpianist

    Since no one’s said it yet… IT’S A TRAP!

  12. Absolutely NoOne

    Wow, smooth move Gavin. I hope you are ready for Jack to change his name to Jack Facepuncher!

  13. Alexander

    I have to admit, I actually really like Gavin. He breaks out of a lot of those overly cliche bad guy molds. Whereas most villans always swear revenge and find some way to get back at X hero so they can continue their plans, nothing seems to stop them, try and recruit the hero to their cause, blah de blah de blah, Gavin’s actually willing to admit defeat. He knows that Jack, Max, (and possibly Mega Intelligence) are a massive thorn in his side, and rather than try and deal with them, he’s just gonna leave them be for the same courtesy in return.

    Gavin may be my favorite bad guy ever.

    Of course, you know its not going to stop here. Otherwise that would make for a really short comic.

  14. Alexander

    Just to clarify, I meant he’s going to leave Jack alone in return for the same courtesy. Gavin still has his plans to deal with MI.

  15. othorlimmis

    gavins planning something big, and doesnt want interference.
    i suppose hes gonna attack the agency.

  16. SCTetra

    Jacks going to accept this offer. Obvious thats going to happen. Then eventually the comic will continue and bad stuff is going to start happening and Jack is going to interfere and stop it.

    Then once Gavin is defeated… a new, more powerful villian will arise.

  17. Briggsy

    Dramatic lighting! 🙂

  18. Daniel

    Ah, this page was really good! Very well done.

  19. Vester

    If Jack were Max, he’d punch Gavin in the face.

    I guess it’s a good thing he’s not Max.

  20. Merks

    I’m sure Jack pulls that last expression all the time.
    “Sorry Jack we’re out of milk”
    “Sorry jack I thought they were chocolate chip cookies, turns out they were raisin”

  21. Chirigami

    You read my mind… I was going to post exactly the same thing. He really AVOIDS those cliches…

  22. FanXplosion

    Is it just me, or does jack resemble his father a bit in the last panel?

  23. psydei

    @ Noni ikr?, just saying… even tho… Gavin could summon an Iron Maiden just like he did with Facepuncher, but actually killing Jack.

    And yeah I like Gavin’s actitude too, it’s one of my favorite villians too, he looks wicked but it’s plolite and all (: (maybe the resemblance with The Joker helps too)

  24. Tsapki

    One thing we need to remember is the fact that Hackers themselves have limits. If not, I doubt the MI could stand up to them. We, the readers, still have limited information on both the Hackers and the MI. As mentioned awhile back, Gavin can’t ‘see’ inside the MI base. This suggests that Jack’s odd ability to resist direct hacks may not be a singular instance. With any luck, we will find out soon when the red-eyed monster arrives at his cell. But anyway, I digress. Evert action has a reaction, and hopefully we will see where the rabbit hole goes.

  25. Jackrabbit

    Makes sense that it’d be Gavin that’s the only hacker smart enough to deal.

    You’re all too gung-ho, hacker dudes. Chill.

  26. Haha

    Yep Jack will take the offer and the comic will take a whole new direction involving Irish folkdancing from here on out!

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