Page 186
April 23rd, 2010

Page 186

He better not ask Jack to join him.

New vote incentive is is actually kinda old. When I did the 24 hour comic So Now I Hate The Moon I also drew a cover for it the day after. This is that thing I drew!

 Click here to punch the moon!


  1. LtFusion

    Iiiiiii knew it!

    Or did I?…

    We shall see….

    *goes back to playing with his Jack and Max sock puppets*

  2. FanXplosion

    Uh-oh… I smells a trap

  3. Dezy

    Loooveee that first panel! So badass!

  4. Merks

    he’s going to ask for a hug!

  5. Vester

    Gavin looks like he’s reaaaally forcing that shrug in Panel 5, which is weird for the King of applied disdain.

    Probably it’s been so long since he’s had to shrug, he’s forgotten how.

  6. TVT

    Huh. You know, I really was wondering why the emotionless machine-man guy was so set on killing Jack just because he couldn’t. So, I guess… okay. Yeah. I kind of saw this coming.

  7. Ictiv

    It is unlikely that Jack would go into anything he offers but… It would be quite interesting to see what happens when he shakes hands with Mr. Glove.

  8. grayfoxpianist

    I just realized that the Hackers are sort of like Team Rocket. Each one of them thinks he or she is a total badass but gets whipped by the main character, and the leader of each group is pretty much the only competent one in the entire organization that’s ridiculously powerful as if to compensate for the lack of skill all around.

  9. Ricuchi

    Ackbar: “Its a trap!”

  10. SweetRevenge

    “Its a tarp!”


  11. jmkool

    Perhaps the shrug doesn’t look right because the artist doesn’t have much experience drawing shrugs? Just a thought.

  12. reynard61

    It’s an offer you can — and should — refuse, Jack!

  13. Lord Rahl

    Although it may not be (and let’s face it, probably isn’t) what Mr. Anderson was going for, the lines in panel four plus the (motion?) lines under Gavin’s arms in panel five make me think he’s shrugging with suppressed rage. I’m guessing the keyboard gloves keep him from making a full fist. He’s angry with his own human weaknesses. That’s the kind of villain I like to see. Keep up the good work!

  14. Phat

    on the subject of the shrug… I think his jacket has too much starch. He hasn’t broken it in yet.

  15. Gnauga

    When he scowls, Jack really starts to look like his father. The lines and all. I hope he turns into a friggin’ tank too.

  16. Isaac

    whatever hes offering DONT TAKE IT!!! onless its candy.

    everyone know you should always take candy from strangers

  17. Blinking Ink

    @ Lord Rahl-
    I don’t think he has much human left in him

  18. Lord Rahl

    Precisely why being reminded of his all too human pride and vanity is unwanted.

  19. Blinking Ink

    Ah I see, a very valid point sir!

  20. Arch Angel

    Join me. With our combined might we can end this rebelion, and bring order to the galexy!
    Oh, wait. Wrong story.

  21. Crestlinger

    Come to the dork side. We have cookies.

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