Page 185
April 19th, 2010

Page 185

Jack can’t help but be angry.

There is a new vote incentive today for you to look at if you like! It’s of Max.

 Click here to get your vote on.


  1. Ventnor


    This can’t end well…

  2. Lord Rahl

    Not sure scared is the right word. More like worried for Jack’s safety. I mean, Gavin is (probably) the Big Bad as far as hackers go.

  3. Alcnor

    Gavin removes his vocal cords. *in head* Son of a bitch!

  4. Merks

    Gavin deserves to be punched into the sun.

    That vote incentive is really funny! It really shows how Max doesnt think things through. Probably was a permanent marker as well

  5. MasterVayne

    Heh, got Max as my verification character when voting in order to see a picture of Max. Awesomesauce.

  6. Swot

    I can’t wait to see what happens.

  7. Richard Rahl

    Lord Rahl excelent name.

  8. Briggsy

    I keep thinking of Gavin with cat ears…


  9. Demon Toaster

    I have to ask, did you draw any inspiration from this book?

    The way you make a completely insane premise sound so real and serious makes for a very good read and it reminds me alot of that author, if you have not read any of his stuff I would recommend it.

  10. Jamie

    I haven’t read any of his books, no. I have read a lot of Terry Pratchett though, and he’s fantastic at making the ridiculous sound plausible.

  11. BluerzGooerz

    lol this is my fave 1 so far

  12. BluerzGooerz

    omfg i cracked up wen i read panel 3

  13. Crestlinger

    Depending on how strong that metal is, Gavin may have just inadvertantly given him a third fist.

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