Page 184
April 16th, 2010

Page 184

Hey I guess max was kinda right about this after all.

In today’s vote incentive we take a small, dramatic look back in time to when Jack and Max first crossed paths.

 Click here to travel slightly back in time!

Also, I’ve been putting old vote incentives up on my ooold deviant art page. At least until I can get something better going on the website.

So that’s over here, if you’re interested.


  1. Isaac

    well facepunchers out…that is also embarrasing

  2. LtFusion

    To bad Max’s eyebrows can pierce steel! 😀

    I was not expecting Gavin so early…my guess it’s to give Jack a message or offer…

    Can I haz Monday’s page? kthxbai.

  3. Ventnor

    Suddenly Gavin!


  4. Raizion

    Osnap! All we need now is random confetti.

  5. gangler

    Damn. and it occurs to me that jacks immunity probably wouldn’t protect him from such a maneuver either, though I’m still half expecting max to punch through the steel coffin type thingy.

  6. rakurai

    Wild GAVIN appears.
    Jamie sends out FACEPUNCHER.
    Wild GAVIN predicts the attack using FORESIGHT.
    FACEPUNCHER’s attack misses.
    Wild GAVIN uses IRON MAIDEN.
    FACEPUNCHER is trapped by IRON MAIDEN!

  7. TVT

    Wow. Um, crap. Hopefully Gavin isn’t the kind of villain that just wants Jack dead, because this guy could seriously put on the hurt without having to directly hack him. I mean, he just took FACEPUNCHER out of commission. Worf Effect much?

  8. Vrominelli

    “And then there was that time Gavin wouldn’t leave me alone.”
    How odd that a Strong Bad quote fits so well…

  9. Chirigami

    You know, I can’t help but imagine your comic as it would be in an animation… I mean, I would like to see it animated SOOOOOOOOO much. All the action scenes… I imagine how some things would have to be adapted to fit an animation and stuff. 😛
    If I knew at least a bit of any animation technique I’d at least try to make a little scene or something but… I don’t know anything about it. xD
    I still love Gavin’s way of doing… well, everything. xD

  10. Dezy


  11. Tsapki

    Well Gavin is an analytical fellow. True, if he wanted he might be able to just kill Jack by cycling through a few hacks and finding one that works. Maybe dropping an anvil on him. But mroeso that getting jack out of the way, he wants to UNDERSTAND the unusal ability he has to fight of hacks that specifically affect his bodily functions. Afterall, what happens if it turns out other people have this ability and they are even more capable than Jack, unlikely as it may seem

  12. Tsapki

    Also, I just noticed that Gavin wears gloves with keys on the underside of the fingers. Very impressive.

  13. Swot

    That’s intense.
    Will anxiously await the next page.

  14. alurker

    Oh. Snap.

  15. merks

  16. Zeph

    Interesting idea, perhaps the hacked ground was less effective at burying Jack? Would he potentially be capable of escaping a hacked up coffin like Max’s

  17. Ricuchi

    Im sorry, im so tempted….

    [Wild GAVIN appeared!]

  18. The Jester

    She certainly is, Ja- OHHELLOGAVIN.


    According to the binary it’s a coffin, actually. .3. Well, that’s what I assume “cof” means.


    Bit late. x3

  19. Vrominelli

    You. Win.

  20. Arch Angel

    Ah-ah-ah. You didn’t say the magic word.
    Gavin, ultimate hacker ownage.

  21. Elkian

    XD poor Max

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