Page 183
April 12th, 2010

Page 183

Now that’s service!

New vote incentive is anouther Angel and cindy pic, hooray!

 Click for the voting.


  1. Blinking Ink

    There seems to be badass requirement for this comic because that’s all it is.

  2. FanXplosion

    I second Blinking Ink’s notion.

  3. Some Girl


    I know It’s not a word. Don’t judge me!

  4. Vrominelli


    Just finished through the archives after finally deciding to read this after seeing it linked at the Emergency Exit link page for so long.

  5. merks

    Jack is dissapointed that he cant dispose of the bodies like his mum taught him. All those bags of calcium oxide will go to waste

  6. rakurai


  7. Vrominelli

    Guhhh I meant I came from the link page of Parallel Dementia…

    My brain can’t think as well when “burning the midnight oil”

  8. sneezer

    Hello, I read stright through your comic a few days ago. Just wanted to say that you’ve really got something going!

    Heh, [suggestion] I keep expecting the next panel to see there parents just get up and claim they were faking it and watching his performance or claim they paid the facepuncher for some action. For a moment on page 179 when Jack Cannon said “I had it under control Mum!” I was wondering if that was him mom in a wig and the other two people were paid dressed-up fakers or something. Took me a moment to realise the sarcasm.

    Heh, the Amiga.. you must have done some C64 programming in your younger days! 😀

  9. marca311

    @sneezer: where’d you get Amiga from?

    Guess what I just discovered! A new business in the middle of my town!
    Announcer: That’s right kid and MI Maid service is ready to get rid of your shady refuse, whether it’s your dog’s droppings or knocked out hackers that just tried to kill you, we are there for you!
    Dial 425-hakd (4253)
    Remember, it’s 425-4253
    Call now!
    (The above was a parody of a generic over-the-top advertisement)

    Yoshi Out!

  10. marca311

    Sorry about the double post but I had to say this,


    AaH! cApS lOcK!!!!!

  11. sneezer

    @marca311 Ah, should have been more clear. I got it from page 19, it appears to be what the “hackers” are holding throughout the comic though I suppose they could just be holding a keyboard. It was an impression that I guess kind of stuck with me throughout the comic.

    Examples: page 70, 73, 76. + many other places, and on up here at 179.

  12. jmkool

    Hafta say it: SIXTH’D!!!

    And it’s so nice of them to cart off the corpses. For free, too!

  13. Briggsy

    I like how Max is enthusiastic about not having to pay for it.

    Then again, I never expected him having to use actual money for anything. He’d just pay for it in knuckle sandwiches…. ^.^’

  14. Crestlinger

    Want to be really evil? Dump them all in a lube tank naked and say that was one wild party last night.

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