Page 158
January 15th, 2010

Page 158

Talk talk talk

I really liked panel 2, but then I covered it in words cause I guess I don’t like myself. 😮

So to counter that if you decide to vote this time you can get the textless version of panel 2, extra large so you can read all the cool headlines max has made for himself!

Voting is here!



  1. Carl

    Take THAT, Moonbot!

  2. Dezy

    Noo! Not the romantic squid!
    I love the reflection of him changing in panel 2. Aces!

  3. sanddunee

    These two are amazing!!!!!

  4. thementalhyuuga

    All the posters on the wall= WIN OF EPIC PROPORTIONS

  5. merks

    Evening wear Max. Buy this classy figurine for those special occasions.

  6. Vester

    Something tells me he needs to order his shirts special, to accomodate his massive forearms and fists.

  7. Jackrabbit

    Japan certainly has felt Max’s wrath in the past.

  8. alurker

    Dramatic Max Shadow is dramatic.

  9. grayfoxpianist

    Max’s grin and thumbs up is iconic. Legendary, even.

  10. jmkool

    Ordering his shirts special would explain how he gets them all with the fist on them.

  11. wolfx128

    Arm check…. Yes still there and ready to punch some bitches.

  12. Viki


    and stupid bionic moon, always ‘breaking’

  13. Amon

    the girl reminds me of cyborg 009 so bad (the outfit)

  14. i like punz

    Notice to rest of world:
    Max is currently in-vest-igating… BRACE yourselves

  15. Arch Angel

    Double-fist punched the moon. Whoo!
    Sorry, just had to say it.

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