Page 155
January 4th, 2010

Page 155

Holy crap, Max, is that brain activity I see?

I’ve been looking into options for getting a Fancy Adventures shirts made up. There are some pretty decently priced options out there but only if you’re in the states. otherwise its like a million dollars to ship internationally. Ugh. Crazy frustrating.

The vote incentive this Monday is a picture of Jack and Angel I never got around to finishing.

VOTE to see it!


  1. StrayXL

    OH Snap i smell a Plot Twist!

  2. LtFusion

    Oh, you evil little monkey. Now I have to wait til Friday. Lamezorz.

  3. Alectric

    How old is max supposed to be? Does being awesome make him exempt from school? And Crystal for that matter…

  4. Jamie

    Max is twenty one, Crystal is nineteen. They’re obviously pretty young to be in an organization like the M.I. but talking about it anymore would be… spoilers.

  5. thementalhyuuga


  6. Zeph

    Your character designs are always great by the way, I know there are no new characters in this comic (unless you cont the guards) but the General just looks silly, in a badass way.

  7. Kirk

    I am your father!

  8. Chirigami

    Max reminds me a bit of Super Sonic in that fourth panel. xD
    Oh God, cliffhangers… I have as much patience as Max probably has…

  9. Da Mighty Camel

    Dr. Willy, is that you?

  10. Jay The Vivid

    I noticed you are still doing the eye thing where you don’t close it all the way, even if you are doing it discreetly.

  11. Carl

    That shirt stuff is a doozy, I agree. I’m still trying to formulate a sound solution.

  12. zack

    ahah! it was a vampire!!
    or a zombie
    or a ghoul
    or a werewolf… damn, y do u hav to burn all those!?

  13. DaStan

    That is quite the stache there. Can he throw it like a boomerang?

  14. alurker

    “Gotta burn this before it gets up again”
    Love that. 😀

  15. I like puns

    mad about his subordanits GENERAL lack of following orders the comander considers the MAXimum penalties.

  16. Jamie

    You are killling meeeeeee

  17. I like puns

    aaaaaaand im caught up… so i might not post puns for awhile! its been fun!
    (also i didn’t use any of the really easy Cannon puns yet… so yay me! :D)
    love the comic
    thanks for making such a amazing story (all the face-pun-ches i need)

  18. FanXplosion

    Four things:
    1. I need more Jack Cannon. WAY more.
    2. I am totally cool with stateside shipping, as it’d avoid me paying extra shipping to ship to Maryland.
    3. Do you have plans to have collected volumes of Jack Cannon?
    4. This is easily my favorite webcomic ever. I only wish there was more. I love this strip So much

  19. The Jester

    “Before it gets up again”? Is there a zombie in the bag or something? o_O

  20. gangler

    fantastic comic. The characters are interesting, I’ce already grown attached to some the three dimensional characters we explored, while the archetypes (maybe archetype, I’m thinking mainly of facepuncher) have been blown so out of proportion as to not seem like a stock character but rather something new entirely. Facepuncher is probably my new favorite in the dimwitted warriors group. The setting is fantastic and demands to be explored. The plot is intriguing and has a definite pace which neither throws information at us, nor keeps it secret without reason. Plot points given in conversation manage not to seem directed at the audience, and indeed, the dialogue as a whole manages to seem entirely natural even when characters use cheesy lines and puns. Natural dialogue is hard even without having to work around deliberate use of counter-immersive devices and the results here are fantastic. I love your artwork, it is unique and fun. The faces, the background, the foreground, that thing you do where the background changes to match the mood of the scene or feelings of the character, I love it all. I’ve been voting every day for 5 years on topwebcomics for the same comic, today I switch to you. New favorite. Sorry if the fangushings have gone on a bit long.

  21. Jamie

    Oh wow, thanks so much! That means a lot 🙂

  22. Jamie

    I’m looking into book making options too. Being the first time I’ve done anything like that I’m kinda still finding my way with it.

  23. FanXplosion

    Sweet! I look forward to buy a couple.

  24. Skan

    you know with the burning thing, no one even sugested Trolls, i pity if any of you consider thyneselves DnD players or Fantasy novel fans xP

  25. Arch Angel


  26. MisterTeatime

    Someone touched on this without actually saying it, but… you mean “discreetly” here. Discrete is a whole other thing involving a lack of fractions.

  27. Muse

    Are they burning the guy who tried to kill Jack?
    Noooooooo, can’t they turn him normal? 🙁

  28. Elkian

    “Burn this before it gets up again”

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