Page 142
November 16th, 2009

Page 142

Check out how Max totally stunned Frankie for a second there. It must have been like getting punched by a flashbang.


  1. LtFusion

    Awesome…and Jack just got served…

  2. Deathmotto

    GO MAX GO!!! Woo!

  3. wildace

    frankie gets scarier and creepier with each page! what next, evil back tentacles? a mace tail? belching out boring text books?!

  4. MistahFixIt

    Nah, judging by his rapidly-accelerating mutation towards Zenomorph biology, I figure he’s gonna be spitting corrosive bile next. :3

  5. merks

    very awesome Jamie on these last 2 pages.

  6. sanddunee

    ahh poor jack in the last panel

  7. Deadly Elixir

    I truly, truly love you. You and your drawings. You, your drawings, and your writing. You, your drawings, your writing, and your wit. You, your drawings, your writing, your wit, and…. well, YOU. -hug- lawlz

    Figure out how much I like this page? 😛

  8. Thementalhyuuga

    Gawd this page is the shiznit am i rite? Gotta love sarcasm especially from the facepuncher lawl

  9. Zee63

    Jack looks drunk in the last panel, and dude, Max, the kid has blood covering half his face, give him a break. And it looks like the next punch that frankie’s gonna get is gonna hurt.

  10. Kellins

    Can see it in Jack’s expression now.
    “I’m tired of this. Can I go home then?”

  11. reynard61

    “Y..You don’t have to be a dick about it…”

    *nods sagely* Yes he does, Jack. Yes he does.

  12. wildace

    and i just realized that mr “feels no pain” being stunned means that punch did not feel like a cannonball.. it felt like bunker buster upside the face

  13. Noni

    @reynard61: that’s what I was thinking!

    @Klop!: …thanks, now I keep hearing that sound…

  14. Zorpheus

    You know, it occurs to me… how does Frankie SPEAK with a mouth like that?

  15. Jamie

    Uuh… Hax.

  16. James

    Wow Jack must have really upset Max’s Feelings !!

  17. alurker

    you know – when you said earlier that you were going to de-cute Frankie? Might have overdone it, dude.

  18. I like puns

    to reuse a pun for the 3rd time… Frankiely, the monster mouthed off too much.

  19. Arch Angel

    Frankie: Huh?! Facepuncher?!
    Me: You were thinking mabey the Easter Bunny?

  20. RaeMina

    I move that the last panel becomes a t-shirt

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