Page 108
July 20th, 2009

Page 108


  1. LtFusion

    Aw…poor Jack. 🙁

  2. sanddunee

    I don’t know, I’ve just had the strongest urge to see Jack get kidnapped, not like attempted kidnapping where he beats every one up, but like he gets beat up kidnapping… not that his day hasn’t been bad enough as it is, but hey.

  3. Jamie

    What grudge have you, against young Master Cannon?! D:

  4. Ranma_2k8

    …The puppy’s already down, and she gives it a punt to the end zone. And after he defended her, too! That’s gratitude for ya.

  5. LarryK32

    Wow. I’m told I’m one of the most insensitive people in the world and I feel a little bad for him.

  6. Felix

    I sense bad things are about to happen to jack. One of them will either be Gavin, or Facepuncher attempting to be nice. That would be hilarious, actually.

  7. sanddunee

    sorry I have a sick and twisted mind

  8. Carly

    I can understand what she just went through, but…(excuse me for swearing) man, she’s a b*tch. -hugs Jack-

  9. sanddunee

    oops i forgot my evil laugh:


  10. merks

    Oh man max being nice then sucker punching jack would be hillarious.
    “I feel your pain jack” “you do?” “f f f f f f f acePUNCH!!!!!!”

  11. PsyDei

    lol, she doesn’t wanna get punched anymore.

  12. Izzy

    … Everybody seems to think she’s being mean.
    MY first thought was; ttttttampons!

  13. Arch Angel

    @Izzy: Well… um… that would explain a few things, mabey.

  14. Angela

    Either a) She’s picking up pads and/or tampons

    or b) She has something against him

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