Page 107
July 17th, 2009

Page 107

On a slight side note, Fancy Adventures turned a year old like, last week or something! Woo!


  1. merks

    congrats dude!

  2. Naku

    Woo! Happy comic birthday!

  3. One Rebel

    Happy comic birthday! πŸ˜€

  4. Captain Whosit

    As soon as I saw the full length of Crystal’s scarf-thing, the first thing that comes to mind is that, in a fight, I foresee someone grabbing it and swinging her around by it. I think that girl watches too many cartoons.

    Maybe Max should buy the kids some ice cream to make up for being such a moron. Ha ha. But he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to give up just because he’s told “no,” so I don’t think he’s gonna let Jack just walk away.

    Oh, and congratulations on the one-year-ish anniversary. Hope to see more of these colorful characters for a while to come.

  5. sanddunee


    Great job and Great comic

    hmm ice cream sounds nice

  6. Jamie

    Thanks everyone!
    And don’t worry about Crystal Cap, she’ll be fine πŸ˜‰

  7. Disconnected

    I’m thinking more along the lines of her strangling them with her scarf.

  8. Comik Radd

    Dude, I love this comic. Just caught up with all of it. Seriously entertaining, man. Keep it up!

  9. Q

    So Crystal’s scarf is improbably long, and i want it really, really badly.

  10. Thementalhyuuga

    Woot congrats im happy for you! Um i gota ask though is Facepuncher older than Jack? i thought they were the same age….

  11. Jamie

    Yeah, Max is older.

  12. zack

    i dont think it was the attack tht pissed jack off, i do beleive it was the hitting of girls.

  13. US

    How does Crystal’s scarf stay so yellow? Long as it is, she must be dragging it through the dirt all day long.

  14. Skan

    ah but her scarf is magic! for it is imbued with the Power of the Sol Family! heh that game was fun

  15. Arch Angel

    If looks could kill, Max would be dead twice from this page. Who knows how many more from others.

  16. RaeMina


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