Page 105
July 10th, 2009

Page 105


  1. noticably new

    first comment! Max is an idiot. that is all.

  2. Dezy

    Yeah, idiot AWESOME.

  3. Phat

    Jack should realize not obviousism is basically hit life right now. greatest fist bump evar

  4. PsyDei

    I rather punching than hadnshake too

  5. Izzy

    Ch’yeah, well, of course it should be obvious Jack. Gosh.

  6. JJangJae

    Punching, it’s a true man’s handshake

  7. Gamervamp

    I really think people should try headbutting when they meet, it sends the message and gets past awkward moment since you’ll be brain dead for a bit and who knows what you will say during that time limit.

  8. DesertRat

    Hi, allow me to do the introductions. Jack Cannon, please meet Max Loose-Cannon. Max … Jack. Oh, and any resemblance between the M.I. and a well run organization is pure coincidence. Now back to our regularly scheduled adventure!

  9. Banish


  10. Arch Angel

    Did you honestly expect someone with a name like Facepuncher to introduce himself any other way?

  11. Speedy

    Yeah, so… no laws against assaulting minors in Jack’s world?

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