Page 104
July 6th, 2009

Page 104


  1. Izzy

    Max would be an awesome best friend for Jack. Just get him some more enemies. ^^

  2. Deathmotto

    hahah poor jack. He’s just thinking “This has to be the craziest mofo I have ever met.”

  3. Sio

    Yanno, there are lots of decaffeinated brands that are just as tasty as the regular brands…just sayin’..

  4. UnexpectedHeadbutt

    I act like that! I’m serious! I fight with my friends a lot and epic stuff like that is awesome! My dream is to win a fight using only my namesake, headbutts.

  5. Jamie

    Headbutts ARE pretty sweet and underused.

  6. merks

    was it one tree or a forrest? The trail of destruction must of been awesome

  7. Dekker

    angry girl is angry

  8. derekpm

    Rather interesting. Has few times re-read for this purpose to remember. Thanks for interesting article. Waiting for trackback

  9. Banish

    Hehe, tree. That poor piece of nature 🙁

  10. Elkian

    Max is going to die, isn’t he?

  11. yoshierider

    So she can jump out of planes too.

  12. Speedy

    Suddenly, the scarf seems like a bad, bad idea. “Look! I come fully equipped with my own noose. I got a bit hung up, in the trees.”

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