Page 103
July 3rd, 2009

Page 103

That really does hurt. Try it sometime!


  1. Dekker

    snap crackle pop! its for breakfast 😀

  2. PsyDei

    when 2 phalcon pawnchs colide

  3. Kirk

    It’s like in the Matrix!

  4. merks


  5. Captain Whosit

    I always enjoy it when writers/artists subvert cliches. But, yeah, punching another person’s fist is probably not the smartest thing to do (on another note, I must assume that Max has developed special powers to protect his fists when he face-punches).

    Anyway, it was nice to see Cindy step in a couple pages ago, even if it didn’t amount to much. It seems better than simply standing around helplessly. Now, to see if this fight finishes, or if Max’s superiors swoop in to reprimand him.

  6. Deathmotto

    Ow.. Reminds me of when i used to play bloody knuckles back in the day.

  7. Queenbee1

    Ouch D:

  8. Yugosaki

    I’ve done that. also shin to shin too. You have NO IDEA how much that hurts when both people throw a punch like they mean it. So much so I’d probably let them hit me rather than do that again.

  9. artman_2.0

    @Captain Whosit: I agree wholeheartedly. It is rare to see a fighting scene where two pairs of knuckles collide and both parties actually react like they’re supposed to.

    Great job, dude! I was hooked from page one, and it just keeps going strong!

  10. Q

    no, i uh…i think i will pass on that particular experiment

  11. Thomas


  12. Lurker


  13. The Jester

    I never realized how large Max’s fists are. They look, at most, 50% bigger than Jack’s in the third panel.

  14. Banish

    Thats cuz HE PUNCHED THE DAMN MOON. Im sure his hands have broken like a bajillion times, resulting in breaks and resets that have made his hands freakishly swelled with extra bone growth.

  15. AvA

    Also, Max is older. Like, possibly out of school older? Whereas Jack is in… middle school? Don’t remember.

    Still, that’d have a lot to do with it.

    And it shows just how awesome Jack is.

  16. Ramani-Rayne

    @AvA: I think he’s a highschool freshman.

  17. zack

    wait, was that supposed to happen?
    crap and here i thought this would be a neighborhood shattering showdown…

  18. Rags

    An irresistible force meets… another irresistible force.

  19. Jaylina

    Dude, fist to fist is nothing. Try FLYING ROUNDHOUSE KICK to KNEE STRIKE. TWICE IN THE SAME SPARRING SESSION. I think I still have those damn bruises!

  20. Plue9

    Ha it’s like in hellboy 2 minus the hand beakedge

  21. Skan

    The Epic brofist of Epicness!

  22. Arch Angel

    @Rags: It isn’t just an irresistable force, it’s an irresistable force of pure AWSOMENESS. Much more potent.

  23. RaeMina

    Epic fist bump, bro

  24. Crestlinger

    The Foefist rears it’s head once again.

  25. Bree

    As a martial artist.

    I can vouch to the accuracy of this.

    But OH BOY does this comic make it all the more epic than it’d ever be in reality.

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