Page 102
June 29th, 2009

Page 102


  1. Izzy

    Man, Max has gotta stop glowing, the radiation will give him brittle bones.

  2. Thementalhyuuga


  3. Deathmotto

    Dog fight woo! Go jack go!

  4. PsyDei

    well yeah… usually a man’s fight between men, involves males

  5. Dekker

    is that sound effect “whom”? its kind of over laped

  6. Jamie


  7. Dezy

    OKAY SO you write the best dialogue ever. seriously.
    you should write for bruce willis movies.

  8. Jamie

    Seriously, that’s one of the greatest compliments I have ever received.

  9. MasterVayne

    Jesus Max can take a beating. Finally someone that Jack can hit more than twice without knocking unconscious!

  10. Beanjamish

    Man fight is manly. Man.

  11. Andeh

    i feel some burning soul. i approve.

  12. noticably new

    Max Facepuncher took a double fist to the face. Irony?

  13. One Rebel

    Max’s pose in the last panel is friggin’ sweet!!

  14. Phat

    Another awesome comic i have to say I really love this comic nearly every page has gotten me laughing and not only is it unique but your style is a sublime mix of comedy and seriousness. I’ve probably read through it 3 times and its still funnny keep up the great work.

  15. Q

    so i’m pretty sure max facepuncher’s circulatory system is filled not with blood, but testosterone.

  16. Disconnected

    Then why does he not have an epic beard of awesomeness?

  17. Q

    perhaps he keeps it from growing through SHEER FORCE OF WILL

  18. Banish

    At noticable: Yes. Yes it is.
    At Q: Its testosterone and codene. Im pretty sure thats why he didnt flinch WHEN HE JUMPED from a MOVING JET onto CONCRETE which CRACKED under the weight of his SHEER AWESOMENESS!!!

  19. zack

    when max facepuncher does a pushup he pushes the world DOWN.
    and wen chuck norris fans complain he stole that joke, he lives up to his last name (repeatedly)

  20. Skan

    hmmm…Max may have doublePunched the moon, but Jack doublepunched Max!

  21. kisame

    i support facepuncher on this one, i remeber a girl on my sixth grade which told to another girl: “boys cant hit girls, here, watch” and then kick me, i wont hit a girl with no reason, but damn it werent we on this buisness for equality? she kicked him in the nads, do not understimate the pain of the nads, much worse then the stomache, even the soft stomache, from expirience

  22. yoshierider

    Yeah, I think this is a little different.

  23. Joe Whitehead

    Last page: Who didn’t see that coming?
    This page: Again, it’s not like men are the only ones with really visable weaknesses…

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