Page 42
December 1st, 2008

Page 42


  1. ?F | Digg hot tags

    […] Vote Page 42 […]

  2. Турок

    Тема ну просто пиздец.
    Неужели ничего поактуальней не нашлось?

  3. merks

    the russian asked a question Jamie

  4. Jamie

    Aaaare you sure?

  5. Demented Kat

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure. [you dun argue with ‘dem Philippines on these here matters…not even if their text seems so inexplicably Russian! Wait, what?]

  6. Banish

    Sigh… He broke teh shiny </3

  7. Biligum

    Am I the only one noticing a correlation between the whole “42” thing and the major battle scene end?… Suspiiiiiiiiiiicious….

  8. killamantanna

    guys funnier is yet to come

  9. Joseph Titanium

    Flai like teh wind

  10. Al

    so much power and it is gone. Oh well back to school we go.

  11. reader

    This page doesn’t seem to show up anymore. Only the very top shows. Is this a site error? Just thought I’d let you know.

  12. BaufenBeast

    Apparently according to google translate the russian means “Topic quite simply f’d up. Could not find anything poaktualney”. I guess google isn’t that great with russian?

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