Page 22
September 22nd, 2008

Page 22


  1. HairyMan

    Not bad… Not bad.

  2. Andeh

    that WAS fucking sweet!

  3. Banish

    He railed him… I like this kid.

  4. Kirbynation

    He almost looked like he falcon kicked him… sweet…

  5. killamantanna

    creig:i shall kill youes wif da mighty powerz of tai interwebz
    omg i r so 7331

  6. daymon

    I don’t know about tough, but Jack is one of the luckier people around.

  7. zack

    if i had a dollar for every time u died, id have one dollar!

  8. Matanui3

    apparently he IS the toughest guy in the universe!

  9. Plue9

    7h1s 1s l33t D0 joo g3t 1t l33t

  10. Drey Sabriel

    Hahaha, oh man love this one! The super-saiyan hair in the middle is awesome ;D

  11. Nirron

    All home schoolers are secretly batman in disguise. (It’s true, I swear.)

  12. newllend(voidSN)

    NICE, future Champ in the making I mean it this time.

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