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July 14th, 2008

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I’m still working on getting everything on the site up and running, but hey, look! there’s a forum now! woooaaah!


  1. Banish

    Heh, he screamed like a crazy person should. I really have to say Jamie, I like the humor in this comic quite a bit, it certainly. Warrants rereads πŸ™‚

  2. killamantanna

    jamie ur comics rock e’nuff said

  3. Drey Sabriel

    notthinkingaboutgunnerkriggcourtNOTTHINKINGABOUTGUNNERKRIGGCOURT oh crap, I cant fight it, the girl looks like Annie from Gunnerkrigg Court. Awesome job on the comic, im only on page 2 and I’m probably already addicted! πŸ˜€

  4. PickyRicky

    Great comic! You said somewhere that you’d had the first 100-odd pages proof-read by a professional, otherwise I wouldn’t dream of pointing out that there should betwo ds in “suddenly”(frame 2). There should also be an apostrophe in “won’t” (frame 1).

  5. Jamie

    Whoa you’re right! This is an inconvenient betrayal. πŸ™

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