So I mentioned in twitter before that I was thinking about changing the way I did the characters eyes. And after playing around with it I think I will. It’s really not going to be that different but I’m kinda excited about it and wanted to share.
So anyway, here’s the kinda thing I’m talking about:
(Click for a larger image)
I don’t know what I was thinking when playing around with the shading for this. I probably wasn’t.
Anyways, its basically taking the un-joined black lines and.. you know, joining them. I tend to draw the iris a bit bigger because of this but I think it looks pretty good. I’ll post some more sketches later.
Also the change won’t be immediate. Since I’m planning on getting stuff printed I figure I’ll keep the eyes consistent and wont change them mid story. I am working on a side story at the moment though which will be a good chance to work it in though and give it a test run. More on that later.