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Friday — January 12th, 2024

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You can actually buy Jack Cannon volume 1 Hardcover books?



Initially I worked to make a hard cover version of the book for indy planet a couple of years ago, and the books looked great! Then suddenly the service was put on hold, mush to my sadness.

Anyway, I was looking through indyplanet again recently since I am currently *spoiler* working on the second Jack Cannon Book *spoiler*  and found you can totally get a hardcover copy of The Fancy Adventure of Jack Cannon Volume 1 over here!

So, I mean, it’s like 25 bucks, and I get basically no profit at all from it but if you like hardcover books like I do then please pick it up. The idea that people have the coolest version of my stuff on their shelf is more important to me than making any type of profit off of my work. Probably because I am retarded. But yeah, they are *way* better than the softcover books I have linked in the store (which I will soon be updating) and you could probably use them to fight off an attacker because THEY ARE THE BEST THINGS!