Page 399
September 21st, 2012

Page 399

And that’s the story of how Tom and Lilly got married.


Blarrgh Uni is entering super crunch time guys, sorry to say for the next 3 weeks its going to just be one comic a week (on the mondays) then we will be back in business!


  1. The Aussie Bloke

    So much for my prediction.
    That last panel, Lily’s expression = rape face

  2. Sergio

    God I love women like her..

  3. Kirk

    So their marriage is just a sham, he’s only cooperating? 😛

  4. shadowinthelight

    How I Met Your Mother would be such a better TV show if the story was more like this.

  5. shadowinthelight

    Also, those detail-less black bodies gave me major Joe Cartoon flashbacks.

  6. Juerujin

    Does this count as a proposal?

  7. Zach

    I hope what actually brings them together is a fight. Yes, it’s cliched, but at least it won’t feel so Stockholm Syndrome-y.

  8. Well of Three Features

    Gotta love how Lily holds her gun. When in doubt, pinky out!

  9. Roborat

    Well, not what I was expecting, I thought a team was sent in to rescue her. Also, bad move with the pistol, her finger is not on the trigger, not a good idea if Tom realizes that and decides to fight. There is no quick way to get a finger on the trigger.

  10. Biscuit

    Aw, don’t leave me hangin man!

  11. Uru

    I bet she kills him.

  12. LostInPhilly

    Yeah, I think we all saw this coming. Yay for Friday updates!

  13. OhMarioWV

    Wish I could’ve called that one.

  14. mrtt

    This shows she wasn’t just trying to seduce him to escape, she is genuinely interested in him.
    I bet he doesn’t cooperate, yet.

  15. zoko

    I’m honestly a bit disappointed seeing Lily just wipe the floor with Tom and MI so easily, thought they had a bit more in them

  16. Tom Hunt

    Eh. MI are mooks, and Tom got taken by surprise from behind. Not unreasonable, given a competent enemy.

  17. Zero_Starlight

    Love how the blacked out MI agent to the immediate right of Tom looks like he/she is giving a thumbs up.


  18. James

    The sexual tension between is soo stimulating !!!

  19. The Aussie Bloke

    And it turns out they’re telling this story to Jack and he’s all “O_o WTF”

  20. Maycroft

    “And that Jack is the story of how I met your mother”

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