Page 389
August 13th, 2012

Page 389

Approximately zero damns given.


  1. McBob

    Isn’t it handy how the black-and-white world changed to colour just in time for colour movies and TV to be debuted? 😀

  2. Sam

    Until, you know, got locked up in a cage, I’m guessing.

  3. booper101

    “cool story bro, tell it again”

  4. Bavette

    Wait. Is she trying to impress him?

  5. ThatQuietKid

    It’s kind of cool how much Jack’s dad(?) looks like his son.

  6. Well of Three Features

    Woman’s got crazy eyes.
    WOOPS I have to start remembering the check here on Fridays again.

  7. scidude

    “Okay, cool.”
    This is beyond hilarious!

  8. Meaty

    She’s got one of those rare, color-shifting suits that appear as the opposite color of her surroundings. I gotta get me one of those.

  9. Nirron

    The M.I. seems to be a magnet for awesome people.
    And crazy people…. But the crazy people are generally also awesome.

  10. SomeUnregPunk

    this is jack’s parents ain’t it?

  11. FadeIntoFlame

    You’d sound far more impressive on the other side of the bars.

  12. Zach

    Jack’s dad is so pimp.

  13. CeeSea

    I want to be Jack’s dad when I grow up. So boss.

  14. Tsapki


    I think she is moreso trying to goad him. She must be used to conflict, trying to get people to react to her. Her first reaction when he came in was basically “Ah, here to torture me huh? Well go ahead, I can take it!”

  15. Seros Senric

    This is going well. I think she’s not too happy with the lack of reaction though.

  16. James

    Mmmmmmm… Gangsta !!

  17. Mong

    Heh, and no fu** was given that day.

  18. newllend(voidSN)

    “Hey hey you, ya you, fuck you you suck ya that’s rite you wants some of this come at bro!, hey you fuck….pay attention to me!….I love you.”

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