Page 116
August 17th, 2009

Page 116


  1. LtFusion

    Double sad face. 🙁 🙁

  2. Beanjamish

    Yeah Jack. You suck.

  3. AlucardCMX

    poor Jack, it look like he is been doomed for been himself….

    I like the comic, is great and original


  4. CyberCynic

    Wow.. just wow. I’d be pretty pissed off if I was him. He’s the one that keeps getting attacked and saving the day and yet he’s now the outcast. Not to MENTION the fact that the whole school ordeal was started by the two girls. That’s just messed up. They get him into trouble, almost get him killed, then say they don’t want to have anything to do with him. o.o;

    Also, just wanted to say your comic is awesome and quite fancy so please keep up the good work. 😀

  5. Deathmotto

    Aww.. I like this though. It makes sense.

  6. Thementalhyuuga

    Awww it DOES make sense and all but really it’s his first time in a real school he didnt have any friends other than them and now there leaving GOD he might as well go JOIN the stupid Haxorz

  7. DaStan

    This made me :<

    Still liking your comic though.

  8. Dezy

    I think this is a really realistic alternative to what we usually see in comics/cartoons — generally, it’s all, “Golly Gee, Peter Parker! Now that I know you’re spider-man and being around you is dangerous i’ll definitely still treat you normally and not tell anyone!” but let’s face it, not everyone is like that. 😀 Kudos!
    Also love her pained expression in the 5th to 6th panel. You can tell it’s hard to say.
    Poor Jack!

  9. Craig!

    Dezy is an idiot. That’s why superheroes have secret identities.

  10. Deathmotto

    Yes, Yes it is.

  11. AvA

    Can practically hear the slow, drawn intake of breath in panel 5 in preparation of saying that line in 6. Fancy indeed. And while the earlier statement of it being the girls’ fault the mess began is valid, they’re KIDS. Logic is affected heavily by hormones and stupidity for children. I should know, I was one.

  12. StrayXL

    Umm isnt it her fault all this is even happening -_- BAD GIRL BAD! Stop Trying To Put the Blame On Someone Else Bad Hot Girl Bad!

  13. daymon

    Poor Jack, only his second week and already people don’t want to be around him.

  14. Arch Angel

    When all else fails you… well… $#!t

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